Paco G Bravo

Digital & Ecommerce Director

Paco G Bravo

Digital & Ecommerce Director
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Fostering innovative relational and transactional dynamics to tackle new digital opportunities. Designing innovative solutions based on business analytics to implement new customer-oriented services and to boost ecommerce.
Industrial organization engineer with a computer-science background. Specialized in digital and analytics.

Over a decade of professional experience in management and business development for large companies, delivering an outstanding performance from strategy to execution, working on international projects within complex organizations.
Extraordinary interpersonal and analytical skills to make an idea feasible.

Currently marketing Lékué’s way of understanding cooking through new services and content, dispelling the notion of merely selling products alone. (tasteful ideas /

All session by Paco G Bravo

Transformación digital de la empresa

16.25 - 17.10
The Open Talks
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