Ulises Gascón


Ulises Gascón

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I am one of the co-organizers of the Open Source Weekends and I wrote the book «JavaScript, ¡Inspírate!» (JavaScript, Get inspired!).

Currently my personal aim is to evangelize about Open Source. I believe that the Open Source can change the world. This is the reason why most of my software and hardware projects were released under Open Source licenses in GitHub.

Since a very young age, I have been attracted by the world of web and computing to which I have dedicated all my career life till today.

During the years I’ve had different jobs as webmaster, developer, instructor and developer evangelist.

Today I work as a freelance consultant and an instructor teaching about JavaScript, Node.js, Python e Internet of Things, among others…

As a Full Stack Developer, I developed a lot of experience in fields like Internet of Things (IoT) with Open Hardware as Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Most of the time I code in JavaScript and Python.

All session by Ulises Gascón


13:30 - 13:50
Demo Corner by OSW