@JorgeWebsec on Twitter, but he is very known like “Gorgue de Triana”. He is a Quantika 14 founding partner.
He is as a researcher and computer expert. Published a lot of papers on where he has been writting about his point of view, his work, applications developed, protocols and guides, among other things.
Also belongs to EXO Security a group of professionals who
help to find missing persons using OSINT and computer forensics in a voluntary and altruistic way. It uses a crowdfunding platform where people who want can donate € 1 to pay the costs of research and training.
Your Twitter is @JorgeWebsec and you can easily find it in the center of the world, Triana.
All session by Jorge Coronado
Meetup: Forensic WordPress and WhatsApp with Open Source applications
18:25 - 19:40
Sala Prestashop