EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial

EOI Escuela de Organización Industrial

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To constantly evolve and adapt to this new changing society, EOI bases its training offering on four basic core themes. Our aim is for the professionals we train to be able, after studying at our school, to conduct business practices and carry out projects based on these four principles. Because we believe these are fundamental keys to understanding contemporary society. Sustainability as a business practice that develops the environmentally-friendly economy. New technologies as a source of global exchange and knowledge enrichment. Entrepreneurship as an engine of economic development that gives value to creative ideas. And finally the development of a global economy in an international environment that is increasingly interconnected.
Over the next 10 years, Spain’s School for Industrial Organisation EOI will make a valuable contribution to society as a global and open School:
It will train 50,000 professionals in social, economic and sustainable environmental business management.
It will promote the internationalisation and modernisation process in the management of 25,000 SMEs.
It will directly contribute to the creation of 5,000 companies and 50,000 direct jobs.
It will expand its area of activity to all autonomous communities, Latin American countries and major emerging economies through a network of subsidiaries.
It will establish strategic alliances with 10 international schools.
It will be a benchmark school in public/private management policy.
It will be the international benchmark in sustainability and regulated sectors.