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Numintec offers business solution based on the latest technological trends in the area of
telephone communications. We are a ground-breaking company in Cloud telephony services,
with over 15 years of experience on the national and international markets and more than 4,000
clients who trust our solutions.
Our service portfolio features virtual telephone exchanges, Contact Centre solutions, web-
integrated on-line Chat services, mobility services with interoperability between land-based and
mobile telephony and numerous other services that contribute to improving the efficiency and
competitiveness of companies of all sizes and from all areas. All of these solutions are integrated
and can be accessed from an analytical reporting and dashboard system that will assist you in
your decision-making processes, without forgetting the advantages of a pay-per-use Cloud
system that requires no investment in infrastructure with problem-free deployment and a patent
cost reduction.
Beyond the business and technology world, Numintech is firmly committed to corporate social
responsibility and engages in numerous social action programmes to bring the social and the
business sectors closer together, creating a bond that is conducive to enabling both of them to
collaborate to their mutual benefit and for the common good”.