How to integrate systems with the Apache ServiceMix enterprise service bus

06 Jun 2018
16:40 - 17:10
Sala 2byte
Francisco Javier Solans
Neodoo Microsystems S.L.

How to integrate systems with the Apache ServiceMix enterprise service bus

In view of the permanent evolution of a company’s IT infrastructure and the need to communicate applications among themselves, the need arises for an architecture model that simplifies the integration process of systems within an organization.

A enterprise service bus allows your business to share data in real time, transform them and apply the necessary business logic during the exchange of the message.

Apache ServiceMix is an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) integration platform for exchanging data between different applications, services and devices in a simple and agile way.

In this seminar, we will introduce the Apache ServiceMix integration container and we will deploy applications using connectors against SAP, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services and Google.