IoT: application to the provision of public services

07 Jun 2018
12:30 - 13:00
Sala Irontec
Eduardo Gutiérrez
Responsible for the Monitoring Office of the National Smart Territories Plan
Secretaria de Estado para la Sociedad de la Información y la Agenda Digital

IoT: application to the provision of public services

The National Plan of Smart Territories, includes among its measures, actions aimed at the treatment of buildings as internal objects of the smart city, and the integration of the former into the latter, based on the following model: the buildings are integrated into the city intelligent as an IoT node (“Internet of Things”), which brings all the information of the building to a smart city platform compatible with the UNE 178104: 2015 Smart Cities standard.
Infrastructures Comprehensive management systems of the Smart City. From this experience, the presentation will explain in what types of public services, provided by the Town Halls and coming from the policies and programs of the scope of their exclusive competences, it is possible, to optimize their provision, the use of IoT.