Lyon Silk Factories : Patent vs Open Access in the 19th century

06 Jun 2018
13:30 - 14:00
Sala King of App
Stephane Ribas
Team Manager

Lyon Silk Factories : Patent vs Open Access in the 19th century

A lot of people may think that Free/libre Open Source Software and harware was invited by a groupe of scientist, geek or journalist in the late 70’s. That’s not true!

A lot of poeple may think that making patent will open the owner a road to a rich life. That’s not true!

I will start my talk with the silk factory of Lyon, france, then I will give my understanding of what is openness & open technology concepts. I will illustrate my remarks with two more stories, stories related to the software industry (Digium Asterisk-PBX, Eclipse – IDE). I will end up with some thoughts about ecosystem, open source, openness.

The message I would like to share with you and future generations, is to focus on eco system rather than selling code 🙂