[MEETUP] Haskell

01 Jun 2017
18:30 - 20:00
Anler Hernández Peral
Software Developer
Ignacio Navarro Martín
Senior Developer
Alfonso García-Caro Núñez
Software Engineer

[MEETUP] Haskell

  • Why not changing imperative’s mindset to functional?Functional programming is not just a sensible choice, it’s a powerful reality in sofware development to help writing robust, safe, escalable and concurrent programs. The Spanish development community is also moving step by step towards this direction. In these three talks we’ll review the advantages of using the functional languages that run on three different platforms, .NET, JVM and native: F#, Scala and Haskell. The speakers will be members of the communities: F-SharpMAD, ScalaMAD and HaskellMAD.


  • Haskell: Pragmatic Functional Programming:The objective of this talk is to show how Haskell is one of the most (or the most) pragmatic languages for using functional programming. We will talk about why functional programming and functional languages are two topics that need to be addressed together if you want fast and efficient programs written as a composition of functions and we will show the work being done in this area by the main Haskell compiler: GHC


  • Scala: The escalator to Funcional Programming for your company: In this talk we will see how thanks to Scala it is possible to start working quickly using functional programming in any company. We will explain the positive points to start using functional programming and because Scala is the best language to achieve those goals.