Elena Mateos


Elena Mateos

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Since I was little I was always interested in new technologies. As soon as I had the chance, I would browse through my friends’ computers. I also studied some time ago, the technologies that were in vogue at that time. But it has been now, thanks to the incredible work of Adalab, when I finally achieved my dream of programming. I have worked as a programmer at BQ, and I am currently in a very intense training process thanks to the Master in Programming applications with JavaScript and Node Js taught at Fictizia Ulises Gascón and Carlos Hernandez. I love learning and computer security is calling me very strong.

All session by Elena Mateos

Batimagen, this is metadata

17:00 - 17:20
Demo Corner by OSW

My experience as Guilder

17:30 - 17:40
Demo Corner by OSW