Flavia Marzano

City councilor for innovation

Flavia Marzano

City councilor for innovation
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Member of the Committee for innovation and the italian Digital Agenda
Former Professor at La Sapienza “Technology for Public Administrations”​ University of Rome
Professor at Link Campus University, Comunicazione Digitale “Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale”​
Member of the Link Campus University Board
Former Professor at University of Turin “Telematica Pubblica”​
President of the Association Stati Generali dell’Innovazione
Creator of the WISTER Group (Women for Intelligent and Smart TERritories)
Coordinator of the OMAT360 Committee of Experts for Innovation
FP5, FP6, FP7, Horizon2020 Expert Evaluator
Member of the scientific committee of the Master in Open Source Management (Computer Science Department, University of Pisa).
Member of the Orientation Panel of the Italian Government Permanent Unit for the definition of “e-government” strategies.
Member of Technical and Scientific Committee for Digital Innovation Plan Province of Rome.
Member of the Open Source Committee of the Innovation and Technologies Ministry
Steering committee of different internations conference on Open Standards and Libre Software in Government, including OSS2005.
Working for the University of Bolzano in COSPA project.
Scientific reviewer of the research group: Scuola Superiore S. Anna (University of Pisa) and Association of Italian Provinces for the analysys of Software in Public Administration.
Co-relator for a thesis at SDA Bocconi University in Milan on Total Cost of ownership (TCO) in passing from proprietary to open/free software.
Invited speaker, keynote, member of program committee and organizer for many international scientific conferences and workshops.
ProbaMuljer – Digital Champion Italy

Former teacher in University of Pisa, University of Pavia (Mantova), University of Trento, University of Bologna.

Specialties: Consultant on innovation, openness, inclusion and community
Supporting startup and SMEs in Marketing and Communication

All session by Flavia Marzano