Yuri Fernández

Comms Lead Uber Spain and Portugal

Yuri Fernández

Comms Lead Uber Spain and Portugal
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Yuri Fernández was born in Barcelona in 1981. He has a degree in Information Sciences from the Autónoma University of Barcelona and has a Business Communications Master from the University of Groningen.

He started his career in the EasyJet airlines Communication department for Spain and Portugal until he joined the direction of Young & Rubicam’s Branded PR new division. In 2009, he accepted the position of Marketing Director in Madrid’s Tourism Office. For almost three years he designed the tourism strategy for Madrid and promoted the digital transformation of the city’s tourist offer and a new public-private collaboration model. In 2012 he founded Idonika, a consultancy firm specialized in strategy, marketing and tourism. In the same year, he also was one of the promoters of the Music and Urban Culture Festival, Mulafest.

Currently, he is the Communication Lead Uber Technologies in Spain and Portugal.