Zara Florent

Innersource project leader

Zara Florent

Innersource project leader
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Florent Zara is a French & Canadian Engineer and has been involved, both personally and professionally, in the FLOSS community since 1999. Today he is an admin at (reference french-speaking, community driven website about Free and Open Source software) and CTO and Open/Inner Source expert of Henix, editor of the Open Source quality software toolsuite Squashtest. He’s been an Open Source advisor for large companies, helping them with governance, licensing as well as change management. Today at ENGIE Digital, he’s the project leader of the Innersource initiative and also started a cross company workgroup on this topic. He also helps internal project who wants to go Open Source.

All session by Zara Florent

Be proud of your code, Innersource it !

15:30 - 16:00
Sala Europechain