Card-sized-cheaper-board for Enterprise – is it useful?

20 Jun 2019
11:05 - 11:35
Open Digital Corner
Masafumi Ohta
Founder and Representative
Japanese Raspberry Pi Users Group

Card-sized-cheaper-board for Enterprise – is it useful?

There are ton of cheaper and smaller computer card-sized boards has been released since Raspberry Pi was born in 2012.
They are almost for electric DIY and programming education for kids, though, it is getting increased to apply them to
industrial use. But are they ‘REALLY’ bearable in production environment?
Masafumi will talk deep-dive topics to look into:
1.Model concepts: why are they cheap?
2.Storage: are they bearable for the business? (ex.SD)
3.Robustness: it is ‘REALLY’ robust?
4.Kernel and OS: is it really fit on the boards?
5.Other tips: USB, SoC thermos and etc.