Carlos López


Carlos López

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Former business consultant & engineer at Airbus, turned technology entrepreneur. In his last position in the aerospace industry, Carlos helped set up the governance for deploying investments in frontier technologies that would enable a productivity increase in the commercial aircraft production environment.
He then founded his first VR company, VirtuaFlow (an experiential marketing agency that produces proprietary and custom VR hardware experiences for brands), as a mean to continue exploring immersive technologies in different fields. In 2016 he founded Oarsis, a talent-focused VR/AR/3D/AI venture builder with the mission of developing this next computing platform after mobile.

Nomad at heart, having lived in 10 different countries from 2008 to 2016.

Deeply interested in how technology will improve the way we live, specially:
#Digital #Interfaces (#VR #AR #MR #xR #HCI #BCI)
#Artificial #Intelligence #AI & #Computer #Vision
#Networks #Communication: #5G, #Edge and #Fog #Computing
#Space #Exploration

All session by Carlos López