Covadonga Lorenzo

Director Fab Lab Madrid CEU

Covadonga Lorenzo

Director Fab Lab Madrid CEU
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Covadonga Lorenzo Cueva graduated as an Architect by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where she studied a Master in Cooperation for the Development of Human Settlements. She is a PhD on Architecture (Cum Laude) by the University of Navarra, where she studied a Master in Architectural Design. After six years as part of the editorial team of Arquitectura Viva Magazine & AV Monographs, she teaches and researches at the Escuela Politécnica Superior of the Universidad CEU, where she has worked as International Relations Coordinator and Deputy Director of Organization and Academic Resources.
She is currently the Director of the Digital Fabrication Laboratory at CEU University (Fab Lab Madrid CEU), Professor of the Department of Architecture and Design, Director of the Master in Digital Fabrication for Architectural Design and Instructor of the program in Digital Fabrication “Fab Academy” , which is taught in collaboration with the Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is also a member of the Research Group “Digital Fabrication in Distributed Environments”, participating in the NEWTON Research Project (Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication) funded by the Program for Research and Innovation of the European Union Horizon 2020.

All session by Covadonga Lorenzo

Woman in Techonology Roundtable

13:00 - 13:45
The Future Trends Forums