Santiago Cantalapiedra


Santiago Cantalapiedra

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My professional career has changed from the IT until the bussiness and innovation environment. I improve strategic rol, working in several startups in different fiels, like Media, BI, Security and ecommerce. I launched projects like CorreosPaq and Comandia in Correos (Spanish postal services) and their innovation labs named “Reto Lehnica” in CorreosLabs in my last rol of Ecommerce & Digital Product Manager.
Also, I leaded like Head of Software Integration Architects all the integration and software infrastructure projects in Correos.
Before of this jobs, I worked during 15 years like Technical consultor and IT Auditor in national and international projects.
My Courses:
– Máster Business Design & Lean Startup, Escuela de Innovación H2i.
– Executive MBA (IDE-CESEM).
– Programa de Desarrollo Directivo (IESE).
– Máster Internet Business (ISDI)).
– Máster Dirección TI. (IDE-CESEM)
– Máster SCRUM certificado por European Scrum.
– Auditor de sistemas CISA (Golden Level).
– Mentor registrado AMCES: Asociación Española Mentoring y Consultoría.
– Diplomado en Informatica (UPM)
– Diplomado en Informática y Óptica y Optometría (UPM).

All session by Santiago Cantalapiedra