THE PARADIGM OF INDUSTRY 4.0: Internet of Things and Collaborative Robots

06 Jun 2018
16:40 - 17:10
Sala Irontec
Bernardo Japón
IoT and Robotics Industrial Expert
The Robot Academy

THE PARADIGM OF INDUSTRY 4.0: Internet of Things and Collaborative Robots

The emergence of the concept Industry 4.0 is based upon the ubiquity of the Internet. In this sense, we may visualize this new paradigm as the internet applied to manufacturing.
In this talk we will review the technologies that are underlying the digital transformation of companies that are evolving according to this paradigm of Industry 4.0:
• Internet of Things, that we should understand more as an ecosystem rather than a technology itself, and within which we can also include a special type of “thing”: Cobots, i.e., a robot designed to collaborate with human workers.
• Acting from data, in the sense of running machine learning tasks to enhance performance and productivity of the factory in a real time basis. These data are obtained from the “things” that are part of such IoT ecosystem.
• Learning from data, also in the sense of producing comprehensive dashboards covering the performance of the whole company, not just the manufacturing aspects, allowing to take informed decisions in the side of the board of directors.