
What are the trends in IT spending in Spain?

We have recently published a blog post on the main areas to which CIOs are dedicating their IT companies’ budget.

In this post, OpenExpo Europe wants to share the report prepared by IT Research “IT Trends 2019: The digital reality of the Spanish company in data”. With this we aim to show you trends within the same line, but this time, at the national level.

The survey, which received 482 responses and whose participants was diverse (CEO, CIO, COO, members of the IT department and of marketing and communication,…), obtained a greater collaboration from CIOs (37%), CEOs (22%) and COOs (13%). It covered a wide business diversity, since it had responses from employees and managers who participated from both, small companies with 1-100 employees and also those with over 5,000.


Respondent profile. Source and elaboration: IT Research


Number of employees in the company. Source and elaboration: IT Research

As we saw in last week’s blog post, one of the general trends is that an extensive part of the budget is dedicated to security. In Spain it seems that the trend is the same, with security counting 62 answers, it was the highest voted as the main area of ​​investment. This was followed by others such as Big Data (with 40 votes), business management software – CRM / ERP (37 votes), services or cloud infrastructure (35 votes), and mobility and analytics (both with 34 votes).


Main investment areas;votes per user. Source and elaboration: IT Research

In terms of the total budget that national companies are planning to dedicate to IT, these were the results: 64.4% of the respondents answered that the total budget dedicated to technology will increase in this 2019; In addition, 17% of them indicated that the increase will be greater than 25%. Only 6% of participants declared that IT spending will be reduced this year.

Another significant fact is that 54% stated that IT spending will be made with the objective of “innovating to bring greater agility to the business” and 26% to “renew the current infrastructure”, while the remaining 20% ​​will do so to “Maintain and support the current infrastructure”.

Lastly, regarding the different technological sectors and their application within the companies, we found out  that the most developed are those related to digital transformation, cloud services and infrastructures, job transformation, process automation and cybersecurity. On the other hand, the least developed ones are, above all, those of IoT (Internet of the Things), since 42.6% have not yet started a project using these technologies, and those of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with 48.7% of the respondents stating they have not started a project on these areas.

If you are interested in knowing more on the latest trends within the sector, we would like to invite you to attend the Open CIO Summit, one of our co-located events at OpenExpo Europe on June 20th.

In this event you can learn and get more information about key trends, solutions and industry news through Keynote Presentations, round tables, case studies from experts in the field and colleagues in the industry. This fresh information will generate more benefits and income in your company.

In the meantime, you can find out more about these and other Open IT Innovation by downloading the Open IT Innovation Trends eBook in Open Source and Open Software.

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