
Where will the CIOs lead the major IT expenditures this 2019?

According to a survey conducted by the American magazine CIO, in which 683 leaders of IT companies participated, the CIOs of the different technology companies are going to mainly allocate the resources in increasing the protections of cybersecurity, increasing the operative efficiency and in improving the service offered to the company’s customers.

Among the respondent CIOs that the magazine interviewed, the remarked interest pointed towards cybernetic security. Anthony Peters, IT director at Frank, Rimerman and Co., told the media that “security is always a concern, especially in our business, because of the high technology customers we serve.” Also, Brandon Jones, the CIO of Worldwide Assurance for Employees of Public Agencies (WAEPA), stressed that they are intended to “increase security protections, improve the customer experience, transform our existing business and grow the business by creating a framework supported for the emphasis on relationships with four pillars: our customers, our partners, our employees and IoT. “

The team at OpenExpo Europe gathered the 10 main answers given by the respondents to the well-known American publication.

1.  Increase operational efficiency: 40%.
2.  Increase cybersecurity protections: 40%.
3.  Improve customer service: 35%
4.  Grow the business: 31%
5.  Transform existing business processes: 31%.
6.  Improve profitability: 24%.
7.  Optimise worker productivity: 20%
8.  Introduce new sources of digital revenue: 15%
9.  Comply with compliance requirements (GDPR, etc.): 15%
10. Improvement / enabling of new product: 13%


blankIf you are a CIO or IT leader and are interested in the trends for this 2019 in the sector, a key event to attend is the Open CIO Summit, a co-located event taking place at OpenExpo Europe summit on June 20th.

In this event, you will be able to learn and find out more about fundamental trends, solutions, and industry news via Keynote presentations, round table sessions, case studies directly from experts in the subject and fellow industry colleagues. All of the above to generate more benefits and revenue in your business.

On top of that,  if you want to read more in depth about these trends, we encourage you to download Open IT Innovation Trends 2019 eBook.

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