
What you missed from Flutter Interact

On December 11 an event was held to promote the new changes in Flutter, what news have brought us from Google?

Flutter is a technology from Google, which in 2019 has caused a stir in Spain and other countries. This technology would allow us to create native hybrid applications for mobile, web and Desktop applications.

Regarding the licensing issue that many developers often worry about, looking at their github, we can find that they are under a license similar to BSD 2. 


If we want to start developing with Flutter, we will need some previous knowledge, in which we would have the typical ones of every web page and also, DART. This language, which you may have used in Angular applications in the past, will allow us to develop applications with Flutter. In the event that we would like to perform online tests, they provide us with a website where we can perform different tests, Dartpad.dev. This website was also presented during the event.


As for the IDE with which we can find different configurations and / or plugins to make our work easier, we would find the Visual Studio Code and the Android Studio.

As for the Keynote, which was held on December 11, Flutter Interact in Dallas, which we could enjoy streaming through YouTube. You can enjoy all the indeferred content.

During the conference, the parts we would highlight would be:

  • Flutter news 1.2
  • Dart news: new changes and updates in this language
  • UI for Flutter: Using the Supernova tool (paid)
  • Accesibility
  • Animations
  • Stadia Google: platform to play video games without console

This Google toolkit will start competing with Ionic, React Native, Nativescript, Xamarin … and we will see if it can occupy part of the market of hybrid or hybrid native applications, and even if it gets to displace native applications a bit.

Although it still seems far from being able to achieve an omnichannel with higher quality, having to compete in web and desktop applications, with other more established technologies and with a great speed of evolution.


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