

And the day arrived: On June 20th 2019, the 6th Edition of the largest Innovation Open IT Professional Encounter, the OpenExpo Europe Fair and Congress, took place at La Nave in Madrid, Spain.

To see ALL THE IMAGES of the event click on the link.

This year´s event brought together around 3000 visitors from 9.00 to 22.00 hours, offering a wide variety of formats and contents about the trends of technological innovation. The collaboration was very extensive with sponsors such as IBM, Red Hat, Google Cloud, Magnolia, Arsys … and media partners such as Brainsins, Comunicae, TodoStartups, ICT Director, Martech Forum, Ecommerce News, IT Latino, La Neurona …


Among the 73 stands at the fair, there were companies such as OVH, IBM, Ivnosys, Kiwi TCMS, Arsys and Magnolia, among many others. Likewise, we had communities such as the Free Software Foundation of Europe (FSFE), Madrid Maker, HackMadrid, KDE as well as the press and especially our Media Partners.



The part of the Congress was a success, equipped with 7 closed rooms (IBM Auditorium, Arsys Room, Europechain Room, Hall, Prestashop, Ydral Room, Red Hat Room and WhiteBearSolutions Room) and 3 open spaces which we designed for “Open Talks” (Open Talk Urban , Open Talk 2Byte and Open Digital Corner). In total there were more than 100 speakers, very diverse among them. This fact enriched the content offered to the visitors: Chema Alonso, Fernando Mateo Sanz, Horacio González, Angélica Sanz, Fernando Acero, Hong Phuc, Tomasa Rodrigo, Jorge Oteo, Javier Pozo, Cristina Aranda, Anton Sankov…





The message transmission was not only for the speakers give out, that is why OpenExpo Europe set up debate sessions with the 8 round tables including 40 experts in diverse subjects along the day. This way, it was possible to discuss and come up with new ideas and trends of each one of the relevant topics.



In this 6th Edition OpenExpo Europe had the objective of improving two of  its most valuable activities, which maintained the aim of boosting the technological innovation sector: the Startup Connector & Mentoring and the 1to1 Business Meetings.

The first action was aimed at entrepreneurs or Startups that required a type of advice (legal, marketing, financial and presence in media), in this case, they received free mentoring from companies such as Ibercaja, The Social Media Family, PADIMA and Media Startups.

On the other hand, in the 1to1 open interviews companies such as Vocento, Idealista, Nielsen, Between Technologies, Delonia, Mindsait, Giuntitsy and Grupo CPS, interviewed a programmer in 5 minutes (Front – End, Back – End and Full Stack), having contact at the end with about 25 professionals.

The aim of both activities is to increase the dynamism of the innovation sector, helping companies in their operation and in capturing the necessary profiles for a good execution.

At the end of the presentations, the Open Awards Gala took place in the Arsys Conferece Room, where awards were presented to the winners of the different categories and honorable mentions were given to certain professionals in the sector for their trajectory.

Finally, it is important to note that during the whole event there was no shortage of relaxation areas, designed for attendees to chat, create networks and establish relationships between them: Open Garden, the Lounge Bar in the center of the venue, the VIP lounge area for speakers and exhibitors and an outdoor space where the Food Tracks were located and at the end of the afternoon we could enjoy Networking & Beers to the rhythm of Agus & Martin’s music.




Here we leave the link to our VIRTUAL TOUR for the event!


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