
The Test Academy event for QA only?

Technological projects must take care of code quality before, during and after development. But who takes care of it? In the Test Academy event we could intuit part of this response.

This event was born in Barcelona, ​​and after several editions in different years, it was brought to Madrid. This is the second year of Test Academy, an event focused on QA and testing. The ExpoQA event, organized by the same people, may sound a bit more.

The event in Madrid consisted of two Tracks, organized in a hotel near the Atocha station, where we could find talks as varied as: UX&QA with virtual assistants, Chaos Engineering with Kubernetes, agile testing, security tests, artificial intelligence testing, etc…


Event programme

The space was very adequate, since the attendees (around 100) had tables and chargers to be able to follow the talks with their laptops, a very good equipment and image, and sound technicians to solve any problem that we could find.

As for the typology of the attendees, many of them were repeaters of last year’s event, and for the most part, people with experience in QA. This reflects a problem that currently exists in technical teams and projects. In most cases, the quality of the code and the tests, is something that requires us the client or our responsible, and is usually commissioned by someone outside the team. They are not tasks that we have assimilated as our own, or even taken into account in the way we work, develop and / or define.

Although it is not one of the most representative events in Madrid, it is one of the few that are organized related to QA.

Most of the time, we will come across three types of partners: the one who wants to finish the task as soon as possible; the one who does his job; He who wants to do his best. We should try to be between the last two, with some dye of creativity and ingenuity of the first.




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