* Todas las salas *
Auditorio Red Hat
Sala Arsys
Sala Oracle
Sala King of App
Sala Prestashop
Sala 2byte
Sala Magnolia
Open Circle by Tek'n'life
Demo Corner by Ydral
Demo Corner by OSW
The Future Trends Forums
Sala Irontec

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

empower by the SDGs

Presentation of a collaborative platform for the achievement of the SDGs

#Digital Transformation, #Smart Cities

Session language

Educational robotics applied to your ideasblank

Would you like to know all the possibilities that educational robotics has? This introduction is ideal as a first contact with the creation of new technologies easy and fun.

#Digital Transformation, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation

Session language Spanish

CI/CD/CS, continuous security in Kubernetes

Containers provide an opportunity to implement better security, small, immutable, single process and purpose. How can we implement a DevSecOps process? We will discover how to make your CI/CD pipeline interact with Docker security tools and deploy Kubernetes security features. But security doesn’t stop where your deployment pipeline ends. How we can prepare for 0-days and policy violations that happen at run-time? Is it possible to do forensics when the container is long gone?
Session language

NodeSchool Madrid

Node.js and JavaScript workshop. Step by step following tutorials
Session language

Conversational AI — Expectations vs reality

Which is the state of the conversational AI? A journey from the expectations od the market to what they can really do.

#Artificial Intelligence, #BI & Analytics, #CRM, #Digital Transformation, #Machine Learning, #Robotics, #Smart Cities, #Technological Innovation, #Virtual Reality

Session language

The transition from consumer to producer

Historically, Free Software has been a fundamental part of all our developments. The stage of stabilization in which we are currently, both economically and technologically, has awakened in dinahosting the need to transform this role of consumer in the producer within the Free Software community. How do we propose this path? What obstacles are we encountering? What advantages do we get from it?

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

OpenSource for Crisis Preventionblank

In case of emergency Technology is useless if citizens are not part of collective intelligence. Not, informed, trained and alerted people are the first factor of chaos. We, citizens, hackers, hamradio amateur, community managers, developers , have to build a crisis conscious neighborhood. Crisis prevention is powerful means of social and technical innovation. So let's talk about how OpenSource can save life and build the real smart cities  

#Hardware Libre, #IoT, #Smart Cities

Session language English

ESP32: Aire fresco en microcontroladores para Makers.

ESPRESSIF lanzó hace poco más de año y medio una nueva gama de microcontroladores que están llamados a revolucionar el sector Maker y probablemente también el industrial. Sus especificaciones y capacidades avanzadas de programación abren un sinfín de posibilidades y habilitan la creación de nuevas tecnologías más potentes, confiables y baratas. En esta presentación haremos un repaso por sus características y podremos ver en acción algunas de ellas, junto con algunas aplicaciones prácticas.  
Session language

Extracción de conocimiento automático de imágenes satelitales en Agencia Espacial Europea

El reto consistía en integrar por primera vez información proveniente de imágenes satelitales con información de fuentes externas en una aplicación end to end capaz de analizar automáticamente grandes volúmenes de datos para mejorar la calidad en la identificación de masas de agua. Minsait dio respuesta con una solución Big Data y Analytics para integrar y analizar la información suministrada por la ESA. La información se almacenaba en HDFS y el equipo Data Science de Minsait trabajaba con los datos utilizando notebooks de Zepplin empleando python, scala y spark sql. Cada imagen tenía 120 millones de píxeles. La información presentada en cada imagen se transformaba en una “matriz dispersa”, en la que cada registro era un píxel. Se hicieron análisis a dos niveles: A nivel píxel, mostrando la evolución de presencia de agua en cada pixel, su frecuencia absoluta y mensual. A nivel masa de agua, explicando la evolución temporal de la misma. Así por ejemplo se podía ver como dos masas de agua inicialmente independientes, crecen y acaban convirtiéndose en la misma.
Session language

Roundtable cryptocurrency: future trends and challenges

Jori Armbruster
Luis Vaello
Óscar Domínguez
Miguel Caballero
Session language

Take control of your CMDB, Inventory and HR with JIRA + Insight

In this presentation, we will see how we can take control of our CMDB, inventory or human resources management using JIRA + Insight Asset Management. We will see practical cases such as the visualization of the impact when we perform a service stop, allocation and management of our assets or the administration of our organization chart, as well as the powerful integration between both tools, managing the complete cycle of a service request in JIRA since It is opened until it is resolved.
Session language

Demo ERP&CRM Dolibarr 7

In this workshop we will take advantage of a small demo of the new stable version of the ERP & CRM Dolibarr management system. In this demos we will see the most common uses of the tool by the basic users.

#CRM, #Technological Innovation

Session language


Javier Sirvent
Pablo Medrano
Session language

Cloud telephony solutions for Open Source

How to integrate cloud telephony solutions with your own systems using the Zadarma API (PBX, VoIP calls, SMS messages, Callback feature for the website). Also the use of ready-made integrations with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, Zoho, Bitrix24.


Session language

Fintech. Business opportunities with PSD2

The new European regulation PSD2 arise several business opportunities. This new regulation open the market and new and different players in the banking sector can enter on it.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

MariaDB ColumnStore: Open Source fast, powerful and scalable analyticsblank

MariaDB AX extends MariaDB Server to scalable, high-performance analytical workloads with distributed, columnar storage and parallel query processing, and with the latest release, introduces bulk and streaming data adapters to simplify and streamline the process of collecting and importing data — on demand or in real time.

#BI & Analytics

Session language English

Building the future together

The integration of diferent platforms allows the development of better processes, enriching the customer's experience and increasing the revenue. The great capacity of integration offered by SALESmanago allows us to develop these processes and support the digital transformation of companies, bringing the offline closer to the online.

#CRM, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring

Session language


Aunque “Cloud First” encabeza las especificaciones técnicas de cualquier proyecto que ponemos en marcha, el camino hacia Cloud puede no estar tan libre de curvas como nos gustaría. Especialmente cuando intentamos integrar nuestro legacy de procesos y aplicaciones internas, muchas de ellas Open Source, con las soluciones de Infraestructura como Servicio. Desde un punto de vista teórico, Héctor García, Account Manager de Arsys, explicará cómo es posible mantener el core de nuestro negocio sobre infraestructura dedicada y procesar en la Nube los aplicativos que requieren una mayor flexibilidad, como los repositorios Git o las soluciones Big Data e IoT. Y en la parte más práctica, Antonio Francisco Herrera, Arquitecto de Integración Continua de Ricoh España, nos mostrará un caso de uso de cómo, con la colaboración de Arsys, la suma DevOps + Cloud está facilitando los procesos de Transformación Digital en Ricoh España y agilizando sus procesos de desarrollo sobre Open Source.
Antonio Francisco Herrera
Héctor García Galán
Session language

Private and secure E-mail for companies, boost and protect your business communications with Zimbra

We will introduce Zimbra and present its main functionalities and business possibilities.  
- Case of Study - Ajuntament de Salout
3 years after migration from Exchange to Zimbra
- Case of Study - Amnistia Internacional España
How Zimbra resolves privacy and security in the organizacition
Dionisio Antón
Andrés Chelmicki
Karine Couvreur


Session language

Non Human Behavior Analytics: Lucha contra los troyanos con Apache Spark

Para luchar contra la Industria del malware es necesario utilizar una nueva generaciónn de herramientas, os contaremos como gracias al framework Apache Spark y una innovadora técnica de caracterizacion de comportamiento somos capaces de proteger a los clientes de los ataques de las mafias detras de los troyanos de banca.
Session language

Software for science: design and debug a bacteriablank

Scientific progress cannot happen without data and software - and it’s much more efficient if the data is public and the software is open source. It is possible to genetically modify microorganisms to produce life saving drugs and sustainable biofuels, and software makes it so much faster. The talk will cover the challenges of software development in scientific environment, the importance of community effort and how to adopt the best development practices to design the living cell in the browser window.  
Session language English

Consensus as a Service: OSI 20th Anniversaryblank

The Open Source label was born in February 1998 as a new way to popularise free software for business adoption. OSI will celebrate its 20th Anniversary on February 3, 2018, during the opening day of FOSDEM 2018. The presentation will summarize the evolution of open source licences and the Open Source Definition (OSD) across two decades, explain why the concept of free open source software has grown in both relevance and popularity and explore trends for the third decade of open source.

#Technological Innovation

Session language English

Supercharging User Experience with Machine Learning

On the case study of a novel, web-based search tool, we present how applying modern deep learning techniques can have unprecedented positive impact on user experience of a product. As the main driver, we present a custom deep neural network that continuously adjusts search result ordering based on past user choices. Furthermore, we illustrate how accessible machine learning recently has become even to developers outside that field: Our search tool features full-fledged image recognition that runs locally—independent of external services—and is based completely on a ready-made pre-trained neural network provided by an open source framework. Similarly, speech-based input to the search bar is implemented relying solely on modern Web APIs. Finally, we build the bridge to the economic part of software development by demonstrating the integration of our search tool in to a content management system and show how those introduced improvements create real business value.
Ilgün Ilgün
Cedric Reichenbach

#Artificial Intelligence, #CMS, #Machine Learning, #Technological Innovation

Session language

First VDI on Open Shift

In light of this scenario, in which reliance on resilient platforms is vital for the IT departments, containers represent the agility, rapidity and simplicity to optimise available resources and be able to maximise the environment features in a simple way. Qindel Group makes the most of containers “virtues” to introduce a VDI desktop on Open Shift, a pioneering proposal that will give the Open Shift users a single point to manage the consumption of resources and will allow the desktop deployment in every Open Shift tenant , facilitating the execution of deployments in an easy and rapid way.
Session language

The Paved PaaS to Cloud Native

Traditionally, a tug of war has existed between service reliability (availability, consistency, and fault tolerance), and engineering velocity. Increasing speed to fuel product innovation has meant making reliability and security tradeoffs. In this talk, we will describe how abstracting away the infrastructure and common platform components by using a Platform as a Service (PaaS) model based that can enable service owners to increase both velocity and reliability
Session language

Accelerating application transformation with Red Hat OpenShift

When considering Red Hat OpenShift, the conversation usually begins with DevOps. And while it’s true that DevOps is an incredibly important reason why Red Hat OpenShift is so impressive, there is so much more. This talk will highlight unique ways that Red Hat OpenShift enhances application development. Attendees will leave inspired by new strategies for enhancing application development using Red Hat OpenShift, which will empower users to use these techniques more frequently.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Cybersecurity, challenges and threats

Analysis of the current situation of cybercrime, threats and vulnerabilities, because perimeter security is no longer sufficient. Evolution of cybersecurity tools and controls (Machine Learning), and how the open source world contributes to cybersecurity.
Session language

Hybrid Cloud Security

Currently it is difficult to find a 100% On-premise or Cloud organization. The use of the Hybrid Cloud allows great flexibility, but poses new security challenges. Using the public cloud, the perimeter to be protected increases, and some control of the environment is lost. In this presentation we will review these challenges, and how identities can be managed in a secure and centralized way, guaranteeing access and interoperability, in an easy way, through the use of standards.
Martín Domínguez
José de Soto

#Cloud, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Spring Cloud Data Flow the perfect Iot Gateway

Connect things to companies throw Spring Cloud Data Flow

#Cloud, #IoT

Session language

The change from analog to digital in the business world. Business Case.

From RIC.DOC we are experts in the digital transformation of companies. In the last 10 years we have helped many SMEs and large corporations to change the analog world and paper to the digital world. This change is not simple, but thanks to our experience and commitment, we gets successful changes. To prove this, we will talk about business cases in recent years. We will present the case of an SME in the financial sector and a big company in the coffee industry.

#BI & Analytics, #Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Using Kubernetes on Google GKE

The Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a cloud service available on Google Cloud that offers on-line Kubernetes clusters. During the presentation it will explained first the process of application containerization using Docker, the creation and monitorization of a Google Kubernetes cluster and how the deployment of the container to the Container Registry is done.

#Big Data, #Cloud, #Machine Learning

Session language

Akka and Scala: productive and secure services development

Akka and Scala are two OpenSource technologies based on the JVM machine. They allow to develop very secure services due to actors based concurrency model provided by Akka, but also due to Scala, a very expressive and sophisticated programming language that mixes OOP, declarative programming and a robust type system. During this talk we will focus on the most important aspects about both technologies, why they are secure and productive. We will show how we have used them to rewrite MyQtt, an OpenSource MQTT implementation previously written with C, based on threads, now called ReactiveMyQtt

#Big Data, #Digital Transformation, #IoT, #Monitoring, #Smart Cities, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Take back control over your own data with open source

Lack of privacy, deficient security and vendor lock-in form serious problems for companies these days. But there is a solution, and it’s open source. The ability to self host and take full ownership over your own data will allow you to increase productivity and grow, without worrying. In this talk Lenny Horstink, Head of Marketing at SalesAgility, will provide you with a list of open source alternatives for the most used propriety business software.

#CRM, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Analítica de aprendizaje, mejorar la educación a través de los datos.

Analizaremos qué es la analítica de aprendizaje, en que tecnologías se fundamenta, los retos a los que se enfrenta y las oportunidades que ofrece para la mejora de los procesos educativos, los contenidos y el aprendizaje en general. La analítica de aprendizaje está presente en todos los estudios que tratan de la educación del futuro, pero ¿es ya una realidad?, ¿se convertirá algún día en realidad? ¿Es posible realizar analítica de aprendizaje usando software libre?. Lo analizamos en esta presentación.
Session language

Open Cloud: why an interoperable cloud is the key

We all know that the future of IT lies in the cloud, but the question is “What type of cloud do we want?” At OVH, we strongly believe that companies must retain control over their information system and cloud must be interoperable and not creates dependencies among the users. Learn how our solutions based on open source technologies like OpenStack promotes reversibility and how our hybrid cloud promotes multicloud environments. Also, discover with our partner Systempix a case about how to develop a real-time voting app for on a popular television program. This application was based on high-performance and open source infrastructure, being able to support up to 3,000,000 concurrent sessions. What challenges did we have to face it from the beginning?  
Carlos López Infante

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Hardware Libre, #Storage

Session language

Roundtable Startups

Elena Vidal
Quino Fernández
Juancho Arregui
Hans Christ
Gorka Rosell
Session language

Madrid Tech Alliance. We are stronger together.

Why does Madrid Tech Alliance exist? What is the main goal of this Alliance? Who are the members? How can I join if I have a tech community in Madrid?
Session language

Open Innovation and Digital Transformation at Calidad Pascual

The paradigm of Open Innovation and Digital Transformation in a classic company.
Session language

Automation and management in Open Hybrid Cloud

How open source innovation is improving the modern hybrid ecosystem. Open hybrid clouds bring the interoperability, workload portability, and flexibility of open source to hybrid environments. It’s backed by thousands of developers from hundreds of communities creating platforms that bridge datacenters with clouds, incorporate infrastructure with containers, and test security limitations. Open source solutions keeps long-term interoperability and management from one cloud provider to another or from an on-premises environment to a cloud-based one.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

4º Revolución Industrial: Inteligencia Artificial al servicio de la hiperconexión

Si la Primera Revolución Industrial marcó un antes y un después en la historia, la 4ª Revolución Industrial dará un vuelco a la vida tal y como la conocemos hoy. Los dispositivos creados a partir de Inteligencia Artificial formarán parte de nuestro día a día más allá de la recogida de actividades físicas, ya que podrán utilizarse como entretenimiento e incluso en sectores industriales, militares y sanitarios. Nos encontramos delante de una tecnología sin límites. ¿Estaremos a la altura?
Session language

Open Source Backup with Bareosblank

Bareos is an open source network software for backing up, archiving and restoring files for all major operating systems. Bareos can back up on disk, tape (autoloader) or storage in the cloud, has a new multilingual web interface, a new Python plugin interface and much more. Bareos can be easily integrated into open source data center tool chains and DevOps environments such as Icinga, Salt, Puppet, Ansible and other systems. This session offers an overview of Bareos and its interfaces.

#Cloud, #Storage

Session language English

Implantando un entorno tecnológico colaborativo en grandes empresas

Para implantar un entorno tecnológico colaborativo en grandes en empresas, necesitaremos tanto de una infraestructura, como de una planificación. Nos vamos a encontrar diferentes retos que vamos a tener que solventar. Después de vivir esta experiencia durante varios años en diferentes entornos, se suelen repetir las mismas resistencias y comportamientos. Definiremos los conceptos a tener en cuenta para llevarlo a cabo, así como algunos de las resistencias que nos encontraremos en este proceso de cambio.
Session language

Automation Marketing: Lead the digital transformation of your activity

Marketing automation is the easiest and most affordable solution to increase the results of your online marketing. Automate marketing processes and convert your anonymous users into potential customers. Even without a marketing department you will be able to carry out successful campaigns just like the big companies.
Session language

Open Source at the BBCblank

The BBC has a long history of using and contributing to open source projects, and a strong culture of publicly sharing the things we build. But sharing code isn’t easy, even though the advantages are numerous — and sometimes surprising. In this talk we share some of our learnings and experiences, looking at some of our open projects, and the challenges of creating an open culture.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

#OSWGuilds: revamping the way of doing Open Source projects within community

How can you achieve the tough task of bringing and sticking together more than 100 people developing more than 30 projects, even working some Sundays of the month and everyone following the same vision, to improve society with Open Source? We share in this talk how us and our non-profit organization Open Source Weekends, one of the most relevant and active when it comes to support the Open Source movement, have created an ecosystem of self-organizing team' networks that develop Open Source projects in such a diverse areas like Education, Cybersecurity, Open Hardware, Open Data, Sustainability...among others.

#Blockchain, #Cybersecurity, #Hardware Libre, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Virtual & Mixed Reality, the next frontier

A tour about two technologies that are changing everything in the digital content. Virtual & Mixed Reality.

#Augmented Reality, #Virtual Reality

Session language

HTTPS: stay safe, put it on.

SSL certificates are starting to be more important day after day. It is not just a single element of the in between web sites communications and their users, but a feature of the website reputation, in terms of indexation and also when talking about visibility in web browsers, allowing users to trust more in transactional processes or client-provider communications.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Use of OpenSource Technologies for corporate clients monitoring

Practical case of the implementation of an open source tool for the operations area of Telefonica´s corporate accounts. Centralized monitoring of all communications, desktops, cloud computing and IoT of large corporations through open source technologies in order to assure quality of the service offered.
Javier Díaz-Palacios
Manuel del Amo

#Big Data, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Formadores Freelance

Session language

Blockchain & the API Economy: API consumption pricing using Smart Contracts

In this talk we will provide a general introduction to the API Economy, to the Blockchain network Alastria and to the WSO2 Open Source API Manager. After that, we will share a demo showing how to use the API Manager for API consumption management and its integration with a Smart Contract deployed in a blockchain for the automatic pricing of this consumption.
Sergio Gonzalez-Miranda
Oscar Sanz
José Ángel Corral

#Blockchain, #Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Open source en energias renovable

Cómo las energias renovables se ven afectadas por las tecnologias abiertas

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Become a Software-Driven organization to shape how the future gets built

According to Gartner, by 2020, 75% of application development that supports digital business will be built, not bought*. We are already seeing a fundamental shift as code, culture, and cloud give rise to a new class of emerging software-driven organizations. These modern companies will always stay ahead of fast-breaking trends, and are unlocking unprecedented business opportunities. In this talk, Luis will explain - through real use cases - how Pivotal is helping leading brands of Fortune 500 embark on a transformation journey to become software-driven organizations and to shape how the future gets built.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Building a fast, scalable Microservices environment with NGINX

Distributed systems are becoming more and more widely used in the design and delivery of modern applications, due to their high performance, scalability, and reliability. However, distributed systems also add complexity to the network, making load-balancing capabilities more critical than ever. Join Klaus Oxdal from NGINX to learn about the load-balancing capabilities of public clouds and container platforms; and how NGINX and NGINX Plus Ingress controllers can be used to load balance, and secure applications on Kubernetes.
Session language

GoblinDB another way to store data

Today we're here to speak about GoblinDB, one of the many proyects we develop in Open Source Weekends. Goblin is an experimental database in continuous development, it's coded completly in javascript. We love asynchronous work and events so we've added those features to our database. Goblin is a project were we seek knowledge and experiment new things / ideas, adding the features we like the most.

#Storage, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Arduino – the seed to an ecosystem

This talk looks at the features that made Arduino a reference platform in the way to create ecosystems of knowledge and entrepreneurship built upon open technologies.

#Digital Transformation, #Hardware Libre, #IoT, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation

Session language

News ERP & CRM Dolibarr version 7

The main objective of the paper is to give a brief introduction of the ERP & CRM Dolibarr tool and show the main novelties that the new version 7 of the open source management system incorporates.


Session language

Irontec Talk

Session language – A cloud to manage them all

In this presentation we will describe the solution, a web tool that allows to manage all firewalls, from one or more companies, in a secure and centralized way: "A cloud to manage them all." It allows the management of heterogeneous firewalls (physical, virtual, MikroTik, EdgeRouter, etc.) based on IPTables/NFTables. Virtually any device that uses IPTables/NFTables can be managed from the system. For the creation of we are using next-generation programming technologies such as Node.js for the REST API and Angular for the user frontend. Among the attendees to the talk we will draw a cluster of firewalls that we have designed, managed from

#Cloud, #Cybersecurity, #Monitoring

Session language


Session language

DRLM en Acción! GNU/Linux Disaster Recovery, the open source way

Disaster Recovery is a commonly ignored topic, only considered when something serious happen. Then, usually, is too late to react efficiently. The consequences? generally money loss and reputation, sometimes is also the beginning of the end for a company. This short session will show you, how easy is to use ReaR and DRLM, two open source projects that, together, provide a great and flexible solution for Disaster Recovery, system migrations and OS deployments. The end of the session is a live demo, showing how easy is to: Install ReaR and all of it's requirements on a system from DRLM. Take a DR backup of that system using DRLM. Break the system. Recover from the disaster using DRLM. All this in just few minutes! During the session, conducted by Didac Oliveira, co-founder and maintainer of DRLM project, the attendees will see how easy is to have an open source DR solution for their GNU/Linux systems. Questions and doubts will be answered during the session and/or at the end of it.
Session language

Bitergia Analytics, Software Development Analytics for your Peace of Mind

In 2018, no mature company, regardless of the sector, questions the importance of adopting or even participating in open software projects. The change of processes and methodologies forces to adopt new tools to know what happens in development projects. During this talk Bitergia Analytics, 100% based on free technologies, will be presented as a service adopted by companies and organizations to improve management and knowledge about software development projects.

#BI & Analytics, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring

Session language

Lyon Silk Factories : Patent vs Open Access in the 19th centuryblank

A lot of people may think that Free/libre Open Source Software and harware was invited by a groupe of scientist, geek or journalist in the late 70's. That's not true! A lot of poeple may think that making patent will open the owner a road to a rich life. That's not true! I will start my talk with the silk factory of Lyon, france, then I will give my understanding of what is openness & open technology concepts. I will illustrate my remarks with two more stories, stories related to the software industry (Digium Asterisk-PBX, Eclipse – IDE). I will end up with some thoughts about ecosystem, open source, openness. The message I would like to share with you and future generations, is to focus on eco system rather than selling code :-)

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

The importance of Free Software and Blockchain

Free Software is software that respects your freedom, allowing you to run a program as you want, gives you the possibility to study the code and change it as you like, enables you to distribute exact copies to others and lets you distribute your modified copies. If a Software does not have some of these qualities it is "Privative Software". Blockchain technology can use Free Software, as in the case of Bitcoin, but... can you make a Blockchain with Privative Software?


Session language

Interview: Augusto Ruiz

Interview with Augusto Ruiz, Software Development Arquitecture Manager at Repsol. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Fátima Gordillo
Augusto Ruiz
Session language
14:00 - 15:30


How to engage with passers-by to turn them into your customers?blank

Can you develop a OS software for managing a digital signage network for turn the store windows into dynamic visual surfaces? Can you also integrate sensors for transforming the windows glass into a touch surface, allowing people on the street to interact with screens? This is the story of Benetton Live Windows.
Session language English

Open-source blockchains and the new finance

What role does open-source code play in blockchain development? Blockchain technology has done so much more than offer us a new way to share information and value. It has also given us the blocks on which to build a new form of collaboration. Bitcoin, new cryptocurrencies, alternative blockchains, ICOs, enterprise development… the open-source blockchain ecosystem is doing so much more than improving processes. It is building the new finance model of tomorrow.
Session language

API Managers, the digital revolution

We will talk about the aspects that a government of Apis must have and how the Apis Managers solve these problems

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Graph databases: the new alternative?

Graph databases have hit hard in the last few years but, which benefits can they provide? At techOnWheels, we have asked ourselves this question, and we are telling you how are we benefitting from this relatively new technology.
Session language


Session language

Interview: Javier Paniagua

Interview with Javier Paniagua, Head of Digital Transformation at Grupo Pascual. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Fátima Gordillo
Javier Paniagua
Session language

Experiences with testing dev MySQL versions and why it’s good for youblank

Each new version of MySQL comes out with exciting new features, many of which we've been asking for for a long time. The first development or DMR versions are released to the public some time before the software is considered production quality. So who is going to test these new versions which might break at any time and lose all your data? does just this. The talk explains why we do it, what both we and the MySQL community gets out of it. If you've not considered doing such testing it's very easy so come along and find out how. If you want to find out about some of the fun bugs we've seen then you'll like this presentation too.
Session language English

WikiNews, a collaboration story

How three tech communities gave life to the WikiNews project. We brought women together to collaborate on a project that joined R coding, Node know-how, and website building skills.
Session language

Reaching the billion customers

Please, tell me the name of 10 spanish fintech startups. ¿Can't you do it? That is precisely the problem, the go to market strategy. The fintech sector, even with its enormous potential and the good services they offer, hasn't been able to cross the trust chasm that will allow it to reach the common people. How can we reach everyone?

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Beneficios de trabajar en comunidad Open Source

Explicación sobre la Odoo Community Association. Beneficios y cómo colaborar.
Carlos Liébana
Rafael Blasco

#CRM, #eCommerce, #ERP

Session language

Telemetry System of competition using MQTT

Presentation of the Formula UC3M team from the Carlos III University of Madrid and the telemetry system that is being developed with the collaboration of Open Source Weekends using free hardware, specifically Arduino, and the MQTT publish/subscribe messaging protocol.

#Hardware Libre, #Monitoring, #Storage

Session language

Open innovation in digital transformation

A different view of digital transformation of many technological enterprise, understanding the target of this process and where innovation proposals like open innovation and GNU software tools.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Public Money? Public Code!blank

Why is software created using taxpayers’ money often not released as Free Software? At the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) we want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. That is why the FSFE runs a campaign until the European elections to demand that code paid by the people should be available to the people! The talk is about the campaign, the background and the goals.
Session language English

Blockchain and Schrödinger’s cat

Blockchain is the continuation of a very human story: the need to reduce uncertainty about others in order to exchange value with full guarantees. However, everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold. Nowadays, the industry is identifying which are the use cases where blockchain can develop their maximum potential.
Session language

Are your ICTs services GDPR compliance?

The providers of technological services have been one of the most affected groups by the regulatory change of personal data protection. From now on they must offer guarantees and evidence of how they treat and protect these data on behalf of their clients. In this talk we will offer the keys to comply with the General Regulation of Data Protection throughout the data cycle, from the commercial offer to the execution of the service.

#Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Liderazgo personal bajo Presión

“Nuestra mente está secuestrada y desconectada de nuestra verdadera esencia por las prisas, el ruido externo, nuestros propios pensamientos y distracciones, el estrés, los problemas del día a día, la hiperconectividad y un largo etcétera. Este alboroto constante provoca que vivamos como autómatas, abstraídos, y lo único que puede ayudarnos a liberarnos de este estado es la atención. Lo que capta nuestra atención es lo que controla nuestra vida. Este es el quid de la cuestión….”

Este párrafo forma parte de la sinopsis del libro “Mindfulness: el arte de controlar tu mente” escrito por José Manuel Calvo Cobo. En un entorno tecnológico cada vez más volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo. Entrenar la mente nos ofrece numerosas oportunidades para las organizaciones y los profesionales. Podemos configurarla para vivir la vida de una forma más productiva y resiliente, y en este taller veremos algunas ideas y consejos para que puedas empezar a hacerlo.


  • Reflexionar acerca del funcionamiento de nuestra mente y cerebro un entorno cada vez más complejo.
  • Comprender el mecanismo del estrés asociado las situaciones de presión y aprender a manejarlo.
  • Identificar estrategias para recablear nuestro cerebro y configurar una mente resiliente.


  •  La asombrosa complejidad de nuestra mente y nuestro cerebro.
  • Relacionándonos con un entono VUCA: volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo.
  • La cuestión del estrés: ¿Amigo o Enemigo?
  • Estrategias de afrontamiento.
  • Actitudes para la prevención
Session language

Building a community. Challenges projects face when going open source.blank blank

Building a successful open source project requires way more than just writing great code or releasing software. It needs open minds that are ready to collaborate with other people, design and discuss proposals, solutions, road maps, agree on stuff, disagree when needed, and reach consensus. In this debate, we will discuss the challenges projects face when going open source and why building a healthy and diverse community that understands the value of open collaboration is so important to make sustainable open source projects.
Piergiorgio Lucidi
Luciano Resende
Ignasi Barrera
Session language Spanish & English

The revolutionary MySQL 8.0

Will discuss the main improvements and features that MySQL 8.0 has recently launched and why this is a revolution in the market, joining in one piece the SQL and the NoSQL worlds.

#IoT, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Retos y Soluciones para la Ciudad Inteligente

El Grupo de Trabajo Interplataformas de Ciudades Inteligentes (GICI) nace en 2012 a iniciativa del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad para dar respuesta a la necesidad que existe en el campo de las Ciudades Inteligentes y está conformado por 21 plataformas tecnológicas de todos los sectores. Como iniciativas estrella dentro del grupo, se ha trabajado en un documento de visión sobre las Ciudades Inteligentes en España y en un Catálogo de soluciones para ciudades que dan respuesta a los retos que se identificaron en el documento de visión. La ponencia introducirá el contenido del documento de visión así como un análisis de las soluciones hasta ahora recopiladas en el Catálogo.
Session language

Operating on your choice of hardware, in your data center or in the cloudblank

The choices you make today will impact your future cloud success. Oracle Linux, the foundation of the public Oracle Cloud, is fully tested and proven by running more than 61 billion transactions a day. Operating systems, management solutions, containers and virtualization are the fundamental building blocks of modern IT infrastructure. Oracle combines them all into one integrated offering: Oracle Linux. Operating on your choice of hardware, in your data center or in the Oracle Cloud, Oracle Linux provides the reliability, scalability, security, and performance for demanding enterprise workloads. #linux #cloud #virtualization #kubernetes #openstack #oraclevm #ksplice #oracle #trulyopen #rebootless
Session language English

OpenProdoc: All the power of an enterprise document management system, miniaturized to the maximum.

The presentation shows the possibilities of OpenProdoc, a multiplatform Document Managent System (DMS), which, in addition to the traditional way of other DMS, has a fully portable distribution and also a "miniaturized" engine that can be embedded in any application , offering all the services of a complete DMS to the container application. It can be deployed on Linux, Windows or Mac or virtualized platforms such as Docker. It allows storing the documents in various destinations, including Amazon S3.


Session language

Pillars: a friendly web framework for NodeJS

Modular framework for web development in NodeJS. With a simple and modular approach lets you introduce in NodeJS, with a soft learning curve. Pillars has a powerful state control that lets you manage your application in a completely new way. For advanced JS/Node developer, Pillars is an organized and efficient environment.
Session language

How to integrate systems with the Apache ServiceMix enterprise service bus

In view of the permanent evolution of a company's IT infrastructure and the need to communicate applications among themselves, the need arises for an architecture model that simplifies the integration process of systems within an organization. A enterprise service bus allows your business to share data in real time, transform them and apply the necessary business logic during the exchange of the message. Apache ServiceMix is an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) integration platform for exchanging data between different applications, services and devices in a simple and agile way. In this seminar, we will introduce the Apache ServiceMix integration container and we will deploy applications using connectors against SAP, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services and Google.
Session language

The open approach at Roma Capitaleblank

This talk is focused on the actions of Roma Capitale to increase its use of Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), within the framework of Roma Capitale’s Digital Agenda 2017-2021. The main objective is to break the vendor lock-in, to guarantee more efficiency, sustainability and independence from suppliers in the performance of its duty. In 2016 a Resolution for the use of FLOSS was adopted and in 2017 well-orchestrated steps to implement the program about FLOSS transformation were taken
Flavia Marzano
Cecilia Colasanti

#Digital Transformation, #Smart Cities

Session language English

THE PARADIGM OF INDUSTRY 4.0: Internet of Things and Collaborative Robots

The emergence of the concept Industry 4.0 is based upon the ubiquity of the Internet. In this sense, we may visualize this new paradigm as the internet applied to manufacturing. In this talk we will review the technologies that are underlying the digital transformation of companies that are evolving according to this paradigm of Industry 4.0: • Internet of Things, that we should understand more as an ecosystem rather than a technology itself, and within which we can also include a special type of "thing": Cobots, i.e., a robot designed to collaborate with human workers. • Acting from data, in the sense of running machine learning tasks to enhance performance and productivity of the factory in a real time basis. These data are obtained from the "things" that are part of such IoT ecosystem. • Learning from data, also in the sense of producing comprehensive dashboards covering the performance of the whole company, not just the manufacturing aspects, allowing to take informed decisions in the side of the board of directors.

#Digital Transformation, #IoT, #Robotics

Session language

Docker Enterprise 2.0 – what’s newblank

Docker Enterprise 2.0 is the latest version of the Enterprise-ready, containers as a service Platform by Docker, enabling infrastructure choice, agility for Operations, and security in Production. Docker Enterprise 2.0 now supports Kubernetes. We will show how customers are using this Platform to transform IT.  

#Cloud, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

Machine Learning con R para RRHH: Caso de éxito en Recruiting

Sistema para filtrado inteligente de candidatos usando el lenguaje R y algoritmos Open Source para Machine Learning. Presentamos el desarrollo y pruebas que hicimos en un cliente y como se puede desplegar en otros sitios. Además del tema técnico nos interesa mucho el debate de la Inteligencia Artificial en el área de RRHH y ver que opina la audiencia
Session language

Atos / Watify

ElasTest, testing application easier than ever I will present the ElasTest H2020 project, its objectives and Atos role. The website is:   WATIFY: Boosting technological transformation through digitisation and the uptake of advanced technologies in Europe The WATIFY Campaign is an initiative, funded by the EC, to support the implementation of actions on digital entrepreneurship and digital transformation on various industries and enterprises, as well as the implementation of the European strategy to boost the industrial deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Europe. The talk will start with an opening presentation of the campaign, which will give various examples of successful digital transformation initiatives taken from the pool of success stories, to define how technology is bringing new business opportunities to companies and regions. The main focus will be on the promotion of technological transformation featuring innovative business models, good practice cases and lessons learned, to raise the interest of participants.    
Malena Donato
Ana María Morales

#Cloud, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Batimagen, this is metadata

Batimagen: presentation of the 1 release of the app


Session language

Kubernetes: Tips & Tricks

The presentation will cover a collection of tips and tricks that will allow you to expand the ability to work with Kubernetes. Our best practices learned and used in day-to-day work when creating and managing Docker containers and configuring Kubernetes will be presented.

#Big Data, #Cloud, #IoT

Session language

IA in the Industry: Automation applying cognitive solutions

Session introduces on how are working the cognitive solutions and presents a solutions set that automatize the contact center, the customer experience, HR processess like recruitment or career path, and knowledge management.

#BI & Analytics, #Big Data, #Digital Transformation, #Machine Learning, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Google Kubernetes Engine & Istio

During this session we will highlight and learn the benefits and how to work with Google Kubernetes Engine. We will also introduce Istio and the value it brings.


Session language

Final exhibition Digital Challenges Magnolia Community

We looked for the best Magnolia developers in the community... They competed and now the 5 finalists will show their projects to an awesome jury who will choose the 3 winners of prizes amounting up to 2,000€. Do you want to know the finalists projects and get to know the Magnolia Community? Drop by Magnolia room on 6th June at 18h and you'll have the chance to know the projects, to meet the Magnolia team and community members, as well as key people in the industry like David Bonilla, José Carlos Cortizo and Soraya Muñoz. blank
Session language

Construir productos y construir transformacion digital a través de la tecnología y el juego

En esta ponencia hablaremos de generar cambios en las organizaciones a través de la implementación de proyectos que son muy diferenciales en el mercado y retadores para que los idean e implementan. Un ejemplo de ese tipo de proyectos innovadores y en los que he participado en casos de éxito son los que combinan tecnología, aprendizaje y procesos de gamificación. Poniendo como base este tipo de proyectos de innovación revisaremos: Cómo fomentar las ideas innovadoras en las organizaciones. Las diferentes posibilidades de adecuación del modelo de negocio a los proyectos innovadores. Cómo ayuda la creación de prototipos y cambiar los tipos entregables habituales. Como la gestión de un proyecto ágil nos ayuda a evolucionar más rápidamente un proyecto. Como un Product Manager puede ayudar a los diferentes roles involucrados en el proyecto para generar transformación digital en la compañía además de conseguir entregar el proyecto. Como usar la inercia de los cambios para hacer transformación y hacer crecer a la organización.

#Digital Transformation

Session language

How open source has been a key for adoption and success of PrestaShopblank

In this talk, we will share how an open source core, modules and themes have been a key for adoption and contributions. There are benefits for merchants/users, and also benefits for partners, agencies, of freelancers, that helped to create strong and sustainable ecosystem.
Session language English

Bitcoin and Haskell, a match made in heaven

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, ... Lately you can hear these buzzwords everywhere. What is the point? If you'd like to learn more about it you came to the right place. We'll learn all the main cryptocurrency topics and how they translate to code/types using haskell.


Session language

My experience as Guilder

My experience as Guilder in OSW
Session language

Surfing the data wave

How many data of our operations do we have? What do we do with them? And open data? Competition data? How do we differentiate ourselves thanks to them? Have they enough quality? How can they contribute in our day to day? These and many other questions around the data are those that are raised by most companies. Ferrovial is no different, but we are already taking the steps to transform ourselves digitally and be leaders in our services thanks to the data.

#Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #IoT

Session language

My experience on Open Source Projects

In this brief talk I will talk about Open Source and my personal experience developing different projects. I will give my point of view about the benefits of collaborating in open source projects and contributing to the community. I will also talk about the latest projects that I have collaborated with, as well as the latest project I have started. I will talk about the Open Source Weekends community, where I collaborate, and where they are currently developing very interesting projects.
Session language

The use of Cloud in Humanitarian Crisis responseblank

When disaster strikes, there is no time to lose so our teams respond quickly and do whatever it takes to save children's lives delivering life-saving food, water, healthcare, protection and education. Cloud technology allows us to mobilise quickly and securely without having to deploy preconfigured devices with our LOB suite of applications. This allows us to use mobile devices in the most difficult areas to allow our teams to consume the services they require to save Children.

#Cloud, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

Wellcome to the open tribe

Businesses have changed, faster response, greater ability to get products to market ... We need professionals more prepared to innovate and identify actions to be taken. Open tools, available at all times, infrastructures that help us with volume expectations. It seems that all these needs are now covered and even for the future, but how do we organize ourselves? How do we manage open source projects? We will try to answer these and other questions.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Experience as a guilder in OSW

I will talk about how my experience has been as part of the OSW community and how it has managed to generate in me a lot of positive things and job opportunities

#Technological Innovation

Session language

El Feliz Developer, more open source than ever

In this talk we will talk (and discuss) about how to make working in the IT world more reasonable, humanized, enjoyable and productive; and how Open Source projects contribute to this.

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Practical introduction to Vue.js

Vue.js sells simplicity and easy adoption. It defines itself as a "progressive framework" because we can adapt it little by little and, as we need it, be sure that it will not fail us when our application grows and is more complex. In this talk, Rubén Valseca will try to show how to use Vue with the minimum necessary and how easy it is to start using it by pulling code from zero and with practical examples. Without Webpack, without NPM, without build and development processes, without routing ... Vue in its minimum expression. This talk can be useful if you want to "see what is Vue about" or, if you already have mastered it and would like to know how to implement it without all the tooling to which we are use to.

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Py-tips for managing your Open Data

Managing Open Data can be a tough task, due to the different resources, formats and contents. The clue: Python offers many possibilities for making your data life easier. In this talk we show some examples using Python for managing open data in an easy way.
Alicia Pérez
María Medina
Session language

Legends of STEM, be a legend!

Legends of STEM is a mobile game for tablets in which girls between 8-13 years can star in references of the STEM world and live their experiences. The project aims to make visible the feminine referents of the STEM careers in order to break the gender biases related to the works and thus get more women to enroll in these careers.

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Functional Programming in Rust with Zero Cost Abstractions

Functional programming principles are being embraced by both teams and programming language designers as a solution to long standing problems in software development. The abstractions these principles provide usually unlock more robust and maintainable code, but this benefits have usually implied steep learning curves and performance degradation. In this talk, we will explore how the Rust programming language has achieved strong functional properties while allowing the programmer to produce a very efficient runtime.
Session language

Open Source Weekends: an exciting year of Guilders and projects!

It's time to look backwards and reflect about the progress and achievements as a community in the last 2 years, particularly thanks to the commitment of our Guilders, the active contributors of the project' teams. We are currently working on creating a self-organizing teams' network ecosystem. Thanks to an implementation of a learning plan, a mentoring program and shared resources, now is more feasible than ever, particularly for Juniors, to develop open source projects with social impact, free of the well-known barriers we all have gone through. We'll share with you our project plan, tips and tricks; come and meet us!
Ulises Gascón
Teba Gómez
Session language

Breakers: breaking walls for digital fabrication

In this presentation, we will talk about Breakers program. This program has been developed for the last two years in several spaces in Spain. It aims to bring digital fabrication skills to teenagers at risk. We will talk about how it works and what have we learnt along the way.

#Digital Transformation, #Hardware Libre, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Interview: Yaiza Rubio

Interview with Yaiza Rubio, Security Analyst at ElevenPaths. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Beatriz Gómez
Yaiza Rubio
Session language

Stack Overflow en español: No todos hablan inglés

While software development is primarily done in English, may of the developers who write the code and use the technology don't rely on English for the majority of their conversations. Come learn about how a community of developers in your native language can help make the internet a better place. All we need is you!
Session language

Functional programming and Haskell

Is it important to understand functional programming? What can Haskell do for us?

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Our responsibility with technology

Many engineers and developers have thought some time that we develop technology, but we don't decide how this technology interacts with persons. In other words, technology is "neutral", and people decide how to use it, and which personal and social impact will cause that use. For some minutes, I will try to explain how this is not always true. Besides, in many cases, technology, at least as it is deployed, is very far from being neutral, with respect to how it affects us.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

How to correctly choose HTML5 tags when designing

The questions that will get us out of doubt when choosing which HTML5 tag is the most appropriate for each «part» of the interface according to the semantics of our content.
Session language

GrimoireLab, open source development analytics made easy

During this talk, we'll show GrimoireLab and The Linux Foundation CHAOSS (Community Health Analytics for Open Source) initiative. After the talk, attendees shall be able to run quantitative analysis on open source development communities, to get more information about people, activity and performance in the projects. Some use cases and reference metrics will be also presented.

#Monitoring, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Making the most of Scala through functional programming

You may have already experienced that Scala allows you to program as if you were still using Java. While lowering entry barriers to newcomers is great, let's not forget that a significant source of power for Scala lies in its support for functional programming. This talk describes three major functional abstractions that will help you to achieve unprecedented levels of reuse and modularity, while keeping your code concise and readable: higher-order functions, type classes and monadic functions.
Session language

GingerCode: an epic initiation in JS learning

GingerCode is a support tool for teachers, students and self-taught people who are going to start in the programming world. Write pseudocode and GingerCode will generate JS code. During this talk, we are going to know how GingerCode is built and how the pseudocode, which GingerCode knows, is.
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language


Aunque “Cloud First” encabeza las especificaciones técnicas de cualquier proyecto que ponemos en marcha, el camino hacia Cloud puede no estar tan libre de curvas como nos gustaría. Especialmente cuando intentamos integrar nuestro legacy de procesos y aplicaciones internas, muchas de ellas Open Source, con las soluciones de Infraestructura como Servicio. Desde un punto de vista teórico, Héctor García, Account Manager de Arsys, explicará cómo es posible mantener el core de nuestro negocio sobre infraestructura dedicada y procesar en la Nube los aplicativos que requieren una mayor flexibilidad, como los repositorios Git o las soluciones Big Data e IoT. Y en la parte más práctica, Antonio Francisco Herrera, Arquitecto de Integración Continua de Ricoh España, nos mostrará un caso de uso de cómo, con la colaboración de Arsys, la suma DevOps + Cloud está facilitando los procesos de Transformación Digital en Ricoh España y agilizando sus procesos de desarrollo sobre Open Source.
Antonio Francisco Herrera
Héctor García Galán
Session language

Accelerating application transformation with Red Hat OpenShift

When considering Red Hat OpenShift, the conversation usually begins with DevOps. And while it’s true that DevOps is an incredibly important reason why Red Hat OpenShift is so impressive, there is so much more. This talk will highlight unique ways that Red Hat OpenShift enhances application development. Attendees will leave inspired by new strategies for enhancing application development using Red Hat OpenShift, which will empower users to use these techniques more frequently.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Open Cloud: why an interoperable cloud is the key

We all know that the future of IT lies in the cloud, but the question is “What type of cloud do we want?” At OVH, we strongly believe that companies must retain control over their information system and cloud must be interoperable and not creates dependencies among the users. Learn how our solutions based on open source technologies like OpenStack promotes reversibility and how our hybrid cloud promotes multicloud environments. Also, discover with our partner Systempix a case about how to develop a real-time voting app for on a popular television program. This application was based on high-performance and open source infrastructure, being able to support up to 3,000,000 concurrent sessions. What challenges did we have to face it from the beginning?  
Carlos López Infante

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Hardware Libre, #Storage

Session language

Virtual & Mixed Reality, the next frontier

A tour about two technologies that are changing everything in the digital content. Virtual & Mixed Reality.

#Augmented Reality, #Virtual Reality

Session language

Arduino – the seed to an ecosystem

This talk looks at the features that made Arduino a reference platform in the way to create ecosystems of knowledge and entrepreneurship built upon open technologies.

#Digital Transformation, #Hardware Libre, #IoT, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation

Session language
14:00 - 15:30


How to engage with passers-by to turn them into your customers?blank

Can you develop a OS software for managing a digital signage network for turn the store windows into dynamic visual surfaces? Can you also integrate sensors for transforming the windows glass into a touch surface, allowing people on the street to interact with screens? This is the story of Benetton Live Windows.
Session language English

Operating on your choice of hardware, in your data center or in the cloudblank

The choices you make today will impact your future cloud success. Oracle Linux, the foundation of the public Oracle Cloud, is fully tested and proven by running more than 61 billion transactions a day. Operating systems, management solutions, containers and virtualization are the fundamental building blocks of modern IT infrastructure. Oracle combines them all into one integrated offering: Oracle Linux. Operating on your choice of hardware, in your data center or in the Oracle Cloud, Oracle Linux provides the reliability, scalability, security, and performance for demanding enterprise workloads. #linux #cloud #virtualization #kubernetes #openstack #oraclevm #ksplice #oracle #trulyopen #rebootless
Session language English

Kubernetes: Tips & Tricks

The presentation will cover a collection of tips and tricks that will allow you to expand the ability to work with Kubernetes. Our best practices learned and used in day-to-day work when creating and managing Docker containers and configuring Kubernetes will be presented.

#Big Data, #Cloud, #IoT

Session language

The use of Cloud in Humanitarian Crisis responseblank

When disaster strikes, there is no time to lose so our teams respond quickly and do whatever it takes to save children's lives delivering life-saving food, water, healthcare, protection and education. Cloud technology allows us to mobilise quickly and securely without having to deploy preconfigured devices with our LOB suite of applications. This allows us to use mobile devices in the most difficult areas to allow our teams to consume the services they require to save Children.

#Cloud, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

Open Source Weekends: an exciting year of Guilders and projects!

It's time to look backwards and reflect about the progress and achievements as a community in the last 2 years, particularly thanks to the commitment of our Guilders, the active contributors of the project' teams. We are currently working on creating a self-organizing teams' network ecosystem. Thanks to an implementation of a learning plan, a mentoring program and shared resources, now is more feasible than ever, particularly for Juniors, to develop open source projects with social impact, free of the well-known barriers we all have gone through. We'll share with you our project plan, tips and tricks; come and meet us!
Ulises Gascón
Teba Gómez
Session language

Stack Overflow en español: No todos hablan inglés

While software development is primarily done in English, may of the developers who write the code and use the technology don't rely on English for the majority of their conversations. Come learn about how a community of developers in your native language can help make the internet a better place. All we need is you!
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

Educational robotics applied to your ideasblank

Would you like to know all the possibilities that educational robotics has? This introduction is ideal as a first contact with the creation of new technologies easy and fun.

#Digital Transformation, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation

Session language Spanish

Take control of your CMDB, Inventory and HR with JIRA + Insight

In this presentation, we will see how we can take control of our CMDB, inventory or human resources management using JIRA + Insight Asset Management. We will see practical cases such as the visualization of the impact when we perform a service stop, allocation and management of our assets or the administration of our organization chart, as well as the powerful integration between both tools, managing the complete cycle of a service request in JIRA since It is opened until it is resolved.
Session language

Private and secure E-mail for companies, boost and protect your business communications with Zimbra

We will introduce Zimbra and present its main functionalities and business possibilities.  
- Case of Study - Ajuntament de Salout
3 years after migration from Exchange to Zimbra
- Case of Study - Amnistia Internacional España
How Zimbra resolves privacy and security in the organizacition
Dionisio Antón
Andrés Chelmicki
Karine Couvreur


Session language

Hybrid Cloud Security

Currently it is difficult to find a 100% On-premise or Cloud organization. The use of the Hybrid Cloud allows great flexibility, but poses new security challenges. Using the public cloud, the perimeter to be protected increases, and some control of the environment is lost. In this presentation we will review these challenges, and how identities can be managed in a secure and centralized way, guaranteeing access and interoperability, in an easy way, through the use of standards.
Martín Domínguez
José de Soto

#Cloud, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Automation and management in Open Hybrid Cloud

How open source innovation is improving the modern hybrid ecosystem. Open hybrid clouds bring the interoperability, workload portability, and flexibility of open source to hybrid environments. It’s backed by thousands of developers from hundreds of communities creating platforms that bridge datacenters with clouds, incorporate infrastructure with containers, and test security limitations. Open source solutions keeps long-term interoperability and management from one cloud provider to another or from an on-premises environment to a cloud-based one.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Use of OpenSource Technologies for corporate clients monitoring

Practical case of the implementation of an open source tool for the operations area of Telefonica´s corporate accounts. Centralized monitoring of all communications, desktops, cloud computing and IoT of large corporations through open source technologies in order to assure quality of the service offered.
Javier Díaz-Palacios
Manuel del Amo

#Big Data, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring, #Technological Innovation

Session language

The importance of Free Software and Blockchain

Free Software is software that respects your freedom, allowing you to run a program as you want, gives you the possibility to study the code and change it as you like, enables you to distribute exact copies to others and lets you distribute your modified copies. If a Software does not have some of these qualities it is "Privative Software". Blockchain technology can use Free Software, as in the case of Bitcoin, but... can you make a Blockchain with Privative Software?


Session language
14:00 - 15:30


Open-source blockchains and the new finance

What role does open-source code play in blockchain development? Blockchain technology has done so much more than offer us a new way to share information and value. It has also given us the blocks on which to build a new form of collaboration. Bitcoin, new cryptocurrencies, alternative blockchains, ICOs, enterprise development… the open-source blockchain ecosystem is doing so much more than improving processes. It is building the new finance model of tomorrow.
Session language

Docker Enterprise 2.0 – what’s newblank

Docker Enterprise 2.0 is the latest version of the Enterprise-ready, containers as a service Platform by Docker, enabling infrastructure choice, agility for Operations, and security in Production. Docker Enterprise 2.0 now supports Kubernetes. We will show how customers are using this Platform to transform IT.  

#Cloud, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

Practical introduction to Vue.js

Vue.js sells simplicity and easy adoption. It defines itself as a "progressive framework" because we can adapt it little by little and, as we need it, be sure that it will not fail us when our application grows and is more complex. In this talk, Rubén Valseca will try to show how to use Vue with the minimum necessary and how easy it is to start using it by pulling code from zero and with practical examples. Without Webpack, without NPM, without build and development processes, without routing ... Vue in its minimum expression. This talk can be useful if you want to "see what is Vue about" or, if you already have mastered it and would like to know how to implement it without all the tooling to which we are use to.

#Technological Innovation

Session language

How to correctly choose HTML5 tags when designing

The questions that will get us out of doubt when choosing which HTML5 tag is the most appropriate for each «part» of the interface according to the semantics of our content.
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

ESP32: Aire fresco en microcontroladores para Makers.

ESPRESSIF lanzó hace poco más de año y medio una nueva gama de microcontroladores que están llamados a revolucionar el sector Maker y probablemente también el industrial. Sus especificaciones y capacidades avanzadas de programación abren un sinfín de posibilidades y habilitan la creación de nuevas tecnologías más potentes, confiables y baratas. En esta presentación haremos un repaso por sus características y podremos ver en acción algunas de ellas, junto con algunas aplicaciones prácticas.  
Session language


Javier Sirvent
Pablo Medrano
Session language

Software for science: design and debug a bacteriablank

Scientific progress cannot happen without data and software - and it’s much more efficient if the data is public and the software is open source. It is possible to genetically modify microorganisms to produce life saving drugs and sustainable biofuels, and software makes it so much faster. The talk will cover the challenges of software development in scientific environment, the importance of community effort and how to adopt the best development practices to design the living cell in the browser window.  
Session language English

The change from analog to digital in the business world. Business Case.

From RIC.DOC we are experts in the digital transformation of companies. In the last 10 years we have helped many SMEs and large corporations to change the analog world and paper to the digital world. This change is not simple, but thanks to our experience and commitment, we gets successful changes. To prove this, we will talk about business cases in recent years. We will present the case of an SME in the financial sector and a big company in the coffee industry.

#BI & Analytics, #Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Open Innovation and Digital Transformation at Calidad Pascual

The paradigm of Open Innovation and Digital Transformation in a classic company.
Session language

Building a fast, scalable Microservices environment with NGINX

Distributed systems are becoming more and more widely used in the design and delivery of modern applications, due to their high performance, scalability, and reliability. However, distributed systems also add complexity to the network, making load-balancing capabilities more critical than ever. Join Klaus Oxdal from NGINX to learn about the load-balancing capabilities of public clouds and container platforms; and how NGINX and NGINX Plus Ingress controllers can be used to load balance, and secure applications on Kubernetes.
Session language

Irontec Talk

Session language
14:00 - 15:30


Experiences with testing dev MySQL versions and why it’s good for youblank

Each new version of MySQL comes out with exciting new features, many of which we've been asking for for a long time. The first development or DMR versions are released to the public some time before the software is considered production quality. So who is going to test these new versions which might break at any time and lose all your data? does just this. The talk explains why we do it, what both we and the MySQL community gets out of it. If you've not considered doing such testing it's very easy so come along and find out how. If you want to find out about some of the fun bugs we've seen then you'll like this presentation too.
Session language English

Blockchain and Schrödinger’s cat

Blockchain is the continuation of a very human story: the need to reduce uncertainty about others in order to exchange value with full guarantees. However, everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold. Nowadays, the industry is identifying which are the use cases where blockchain can develop their maximum potential.
Session language

Machine Learning con R para RRHH: Caso de éxito en Recruiting

Sistema para filtrado inteligente de candidatos usando el lenguaje R y algoritmos Open Source para Machine Learning. Presentamos el desarrollo y pruebas que hicimos en un cliente y como se puede desplegar en otros sitios. Además del tema técnico nos interesa mucho el debate de la Inteligencia Artificial en el área de RRHH y ver que opina la audiencia
Session language

How open source has been a key for adoption and success of PrestaShopblank

In this talk, we will share how an open source core, modules and themes have been a key for adoption and contributions. There are benefits for merchants/users, and also benefits for partners, agencies, of freelancers, that helped to create strong and sustainable ecosystem.
Session language English

El Feliz Developer, more open source than ever

In this talk we will talk (and discuss) about how to make working in the IT world more reasonable, humanized, enjoyable and productive; and how Open Source projects contribute to this.

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

Conversational AI — Expectations vs reality

Which is the state of the conversational AI? A journey from the expectations od the market to what they can really do.

#Artificial Intelligence, #BI & Analytics, #CRM, #Digital Transformation, #Machine Learning, #Robotics, #Smart Cities, #Technological Innovation, #Virtual Reality

Session language

Building the future together

The integration of diferent platforms allows the development of better processes, enriching the customer's experience and increasing the revenue. The great capacity of integration offered by SALESmanago allows us to develop these processes and support the digital transformation of companies, bringing the offline closer to the online.

#CRM, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring

Session language

Consensus as a Service: OSI 20th Anniversaryblank

The Open Source label was born in February 1998 as a new way to popularise free software for business adoption. OSI will celebrate its 20th Anniversary on February 3, 2018, during the opening day of FOSDEM 2018. The presentation will summarize the evolution of open source licences and the Open Source Definition (OSD) across two decades, explain why the concept of free open source software has grown in both relevance and popularity and explore trends for the third decade of open source.

#Technological Innovation

Session language English

Using Kubernetes on Google GKE

The Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a cloud service available on Google Cloud that offers on-line Kubernetes clusters. During the presentation it will explained first the process of application containerization using Docker, the creation and monitorization of a Google Kubernetes cluster and how the deployment of the container to the Container Registry is done.

#Big Data, #Cloud, #Machine Learning

Session language

Implantando un entorno tecnológico colaborativo en grandes empresas

Para implantar un entorno tecnológico colaborativo en grandes en empresas, necesitaremos tanto de una infraestructura, como de una planificación. Nos vamos a encontrar diferentes retos que vamos a tener que solventar. Después de vivir esta experiencia durante varios años en diferentes entornos, se suelen repetir las mismas resistencias y comportamientos. Definiremos los conceptos a tener en cuenta para llevarlo a cabo, así como algunos de las resistencias que nos encontraremos en este proceso de cambio.
Session language

Lyon Silk Factories : Patent vs Open Access in the 19th centuryblank

A lot of people may think that Free/libre Open Source Software and harware was invited by a groupe of scientist, geek or journalist in the late 70's. That's not true! A lot of poeple may think that making patent will open the owner a road to a rich life. That's not true! I will start my talk with the silk factory of Lyon, france, then I will give my understanding of what is openness & open technology concepts. I will illustrate my remarks with two more stories, stories related to the software industry (Digium Asterisk-PBX, Eclipse – IDE). I will end up with some thoughts about ecosystem, open source, openness. The message I would like to share with you and future generations, is to focus on eco system rather than selling code :-)

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language English
14:00 - 15:30


Reaching the billion customers

Please, tell me the name of 10 spanish fintech startups. ¿Can't you do it? That is precisely the problem, the go to market strategy. The fintech sector, even with its enormous potential and the good services they offer, hasn't been able to cross the trust chasm that will allow it to reach the common people. How can we reach everyone?

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Are your ICTs services GDPR compliance?

The providers of technological services have been one of the most affected groups by the regulatory change of personal data protection. From now on they must offer guarantees and evidence of how they treat and protect these data on behalf of their clients. In this talk we will offer the keys to comply with the General Regulation of Data Protection throughout the data cycle, from the commercial offer to the execution of the service.

#Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation

Session language

The open approach at Roma Capitaleblank

This talk is focused on the actions of Roma Capitale to increase its use of Free and Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), within the framework of Roma Capitale’s Digital Agenda 2017-2021. The main objective is to break the vendor lock-in, to guarantee more efficiency, sustainability and independence from suppliers in the performance of its duty. In 2016 a Resolution for the use of FLOSS was adopted and in 2017 well-orchestrated steps to implement the program about FLOSS transformation were taken
Flavia Marzano
Cecilia Colasanti

#Digital Transformation, #Smart Cities

Session language English

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

OpenSource for Crisis Preventionblank

In case of emergency Technology is useless if citizens are not part of collective intelligence. Not, informed, trained and alerted people are the first factor of chaos. We, citizens, hackers, hamradio amateur, community managers, developers , have to build a crisis conscious neighborhood. Crisis prevention is powerful means of social and technical innovation. So let's talk about how OpenSource can save life and build the real smart cities  

#Hardware Libre, #IoT, #Smart Cities

Session language English

Cloud telephony solutions for Open Source

How to integrate cloud telephony solutions with your own systems using the Zadarma API (PBX, VoIP calls, SMS messages, Callback feature for the website). Also the use of ready-made integrations with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, Zoho, Bitrix24.


Session language

Supercharging User Experience with Machine Learning

On the case study of a novel, web-based search tool, we present how applying modern deep learning techniques can have unprecedented positive impact on user experience of a product. As the main driver, we present a custom deep neural network that continuously adjusts search result ordering based on past user choices. Furthermore, we illustrate how accessible machine learning recently has become even to developers outside that field: Our search tool features full-fledged image recognition that runs locally—independent of external services—and is based completely on a ready-made pre-trained neural network provided by an open source framework. Similarly, speech-based input to the search bar is implemented relying solely on modern Web APIs. Finally, we build the bridge to the economic part of software development by demonstrating the integration of our search tool in to a content management system and show how those introduced improvements create real business value.
Ilgün Ilgün
Cedric Reichenbach

#Artificial Intelligence, #CMS, #Machine Learning, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Akka and Scala: productive and secure services development

Akka and Scala are two OpenSource technologies based on the JVM machine. They allow to develop very secure services due to actors based concurrency model provided by Akka, but also due to Scala, a very expressive and sophisticated programming language that mixes OOP, declarative programming and a robust type system. During this talk we will focus on the most important aspects about both technologies, why they are secure and productive. We will show how we have used them to rewrite MyQtt, an OpenSource MQTT implementation previously written with C, based on threads, now called ReactiveMyQtt

#Big Data, #Digital Transformation, #IoT, #Monitoring, #Smart Cities, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Open Source at the BBCblank

The BBC has a long history of using and contributing to open source projects, and a strong culture of publicly sharing the things we build. But sharing code isn’t easy, even though the advantages are numerous — and sometimes surprising. In this talk we share some of our learnings and experiences, looking at some of our open projects, and the challenges of creating an open culture.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

Blockchain & the API Economy: API consumption pricing using Smart Contracts

In this talk we will provide a general introduction to the API Economy, to the Blockchain network Alastria and to the WSO2 Open Source API Manager. After that, we will share a demo showing how to use the API Manager for API consumption management and its integration with a Smart Contract deployed in a blockchain for the automatic pricing of this consumption.
Sergio Gonzalez-Miranda
Oscar Sanz
José Ángel Corral

#Blockchain, #Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language – A cloud to manage them all

In this presentation we will describe the solution, a web tool that allows to manage all firewalls, from one or more companies, in a secure and centralized way: "A cloud to manage them all." It allows the management of heterogeneous firewalls (physical, virtual, MikroTik, EdgeRouter, etc.) based on IPTables/NFTables. Virtually any device that uses IPTables/NFTables can be managed from the system. For the creation of we are using next-generation programming technologies such as Node.js for the REST API and Angular for the user frontend. Among the attendees to the talk we will draw a cluster of firewalls that we have designed, managed from

#Cloud, #Cybersecurity, #Monitoring

Session language
14:00 - 15:30


Beneficios de trabajar en comunidad Open Source

Explicación sobre la Odoo Community Association. Beneficios y cómo colaborar.
Carlos Liébana
Rafael Blasco

#CRM, #eCommerce, #ERP

Session language

Retos y Soluciones para la Ciudad Inteligente

El Grupo de Trabajo Interplataformas de Ciudades Inteligentes (GICI) nace en 2012 a iniciativa del Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad para dar respuesta a la necesidad que existe en el campo de las Ciudades Inteligentes y está conformado por 21 plataformas tecnológicas de todos los sectores. Como iniciativas estrella dentro del grupo, se ha trabajado en un documento de visión sobre las Ciudades Inteligentes en España y en un Catálogo de soluciones para ciudades que dan respuesta a los retos que se identificaron en el documento de visión. La ponencia introducirá el contenido del documento de visión así como un análisis de las soluciones hasta ahora recopiladas en el Catálogo.
Session language

Atos / Watify

ElasTest, testing application easier than ever I will present the ElasTest H2020 project, its objectives and Atos role. The website is:   WATIFY: Boosting technological transformation through digitisation and the uptake of advanced technologies in Europe The WATIFY Campaign is an initiative, funded by the EC, to support the implementation of actions on digital entrepreneurship and digital transformation on various industries and enterprises, as well as the implementation of the European strategy to boost the industrial deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Europe. The talk will start with an opening presentation of the campaign, which will give various examples of successful digital transformation initiatives taken from the pool of success stories, to define how technology is bringing new business opportunities to companies and regions. The main focus will be on the promotion of technological transformation featuring innovative business models, good practice cases and lessons learned, to raise the interest of participants.    
Malena Donato
Ana María Morales

#Cloud, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Construir productos y construir transformacion digital a través de la tecnología y el juego

En esta ponencia hablaremos de generar cambios en las organizaciones a través de la implementación de proyectos que son muy diferenciales en el mercado y retadores para que los idean e implementan. Un ejemplo de ese tipo de proyectos innovadores y en los que he participado en casos de éxito son los que combinan tecnología, aprendizaje y procesos de gamificación. Poniendo como base este tipo de proyectos de innovación revisaremos: Cómo fomentar las ideas innovadoras en las organizaciones. Las diferentes posibilidades de adecuación del modelo de negocio a los proyectos innovadores. Cómo ayuda la creación de prototipos y cambiar los tipos entregables habituales. Como la gestión de un proyecto ágil nos ayuda a evolucionar más rápidamente un proyecto. Como un Product Manager puede ayudar a los diferentes roles involucrados en el proyecto para generar transformación digital en la compañía además de conseguir entregar el proyecto. Como usar la inercia de los cambios para hacer transformación y hacer crecer a la organización.

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Wellcome to the open tribe

Businesses have changed, faster response, greater ability to get products to market ... We need professionals more prepared to innovate and identify actions to be taken. Open tools, available at all times, infrastructures that help us with volume expectations. It seems that all these needs are now covered and even for the future, but how do we organize ourselves? How do we manage open source projects? We will try to answer these and other questions.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Py-tips for managing your Open Data

Managing Open Data can be a tough task, due to the different resources, formats and contents. The clue: Python offers many possibilities for making your data life easier. In this talk we show some examples using Python for managing open data in an easy way.
Alicia Pérez
María Medina
Session language

GrimoireLab, open source development analytics made easy

During this talk, we'll show GrimoireLab and The Linux Foundation CHAOSS (Community Health Analytics for Open Source) initiative. After the talk, attendees shall be able to run quantitative analysis on open source development communities, to get more information about people, activity and performance in the projects. Some use cases and reference metrics will be also presented.

#Monitoring, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

CI/CD/CS, continuous security in Kubernetes

Containers provide an opportunity to implement better security, small, immutable, single process and purpose. How can we implement a DevSecOps process? We will discover how to make your CI/CD pipeline interact with Docker security tools and deploy Kubernetes security features. But security doesn’t stop where your deployment pipeline ends. How we can prepare for 0-days and policy violations that happen at run-time? Is it possible to do forensics when the container is long gone?
Session language

MariaDB ColumnStore: Open Source fast, powerful and scalable analyticsblank

MariaDB AX extends MariaDB Server to scalable, high-performance analytical workloads with distributed, columnar storage and parallel query processing, and with the latest release, introduces bulk and streaming data adapters to simplify and streamline the process of collecting and importing data — on demand or in real time.

#BI & Analytics

Session language English

Non Human Behavior Analytics: Lucha contra los troyanos con Apache Spark

Para luchar contra la Industria del malware es necesario utilizar una nueva generaciónn de herramientas, os contaremos como gracias al framework Apache Spark y una innovadora técnica de caracterizacion de comportamiento somos capaces de proteger a los clientes de los ataques de las mafias detras de los troyanos de banca.
Session language

Analítica de aprendizaje, mejorar la educación a través de los datos.

Analizaremos qué es la analítica de aprendizaje, en que tecnologías se fundamenta, los retos a los que se enfrenta y las oportunidades que ofrece para la mejora de los procesos educativos, los contenidos y el aprendizaje en general. La analítica de aprendizaje está presente en todos los estudios que tratan de la educación del futuro, pero ¿es ya una realidad?, ¿se convertirá algún día en realidad? ¿Es posible realizar analítica de aprendizaje usando software libre?. Lo analizamos en esta presentación.
Session language

4º Revolución Industrial: Inteligencia Artificial al servicio de la hiperconexión

Si la Primera Revolución Industrial marcó un antes y un después en la historia, la 4ª Revolución Industrial dará un vuelco a la vida tal y como la conocemos hoy. Los dispositivos creados a partir de Inteligencia Artificial formarán parte de nuestro día a día más allá de la recogida de actividades físicas, ya que podrán utilizarse como entretenimiento e incluso en sectores industriales, militares y sanitarios. Nos encontramos delante de una tecnología sin límites. ¿Estaremos a la altura?
Session language

Become a Software-Driven organization to shape how the future gets built

According to Gartner, by 2020, 75% of application development that supports digital business will be built, not bought*. We are already seeing a fundamental shift as code, culture, and cloud give rise to a new class of emerging software-driven organizations. These modern companies will always stay ahead of fast-breaking trends, and are unlocking unprecedented business opportunities. In this talk, Luis will explain - through real use cases - how Pivotal is helping leading brands of Fortune 500 embark on a transformation journey to become software-driven organizations and to shape how the future gets built.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

News ERP & CRM Dolibarr version 7

The main objective of the paper is to give a brief introduction of the ERP & CRM Dolibarr tool and show the main novelties that the new version 7 of the open source management system incorporates.


Session language
14:00 - 15:30


Graph databases: the new alternative?

Graph databases have hit hard in the last few years but, which benefits can they provide? At techOnWheels, we have asked ourselves this question, and we are telling you how are we benefitting from this relatively new technology.
Session language

Public Money? Public Code!blank

Why is software created using taxpayers’ money often not released as Free Software? At the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) we want legislation requiring that publicly financed software developed for the public sector be made publicly available under a Free and Open Source Software licence. That is why the FSFE runs a campaign until the European elections to demand that code paid by the people should be available to the people! The talk is about the campaign, the background and the goals.
Session language English

How to integrate systems with the Apache ServiceMix enterprise service bus

In view of the permanent evolution of a company's IT infrastructure and the need to communicate applications among themselves, the need arises for an architecture model that simplifies the integration process of systems within an organization. A enterprise service bus allows your business to share data in real time, transform them and apply the necessary business logic during the exchange of the message. Apache ServiceMix is an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) integration platform for exchanging data between different applications, services and devices in a simple and agile way. In this seminar, we will introduce the Apache ServiceMix integration container and we will deploy applications using connectors against SAP, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services and Google.
Session language

IA in the Industry: Automation applying cognitive solutions

Session introduces on how are working the cognitive solutions and presents a solutions set that automatize the contact center, the customer experience, HR processess like recruitment or career path, and knowledge management.

#BI & Analytics, #Big Data, #Digital Transformation, #Machine Learning, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Functional Programming in Rust with Zero Cost Abstractions

Functional programming principles are being embraced by both teams and programming language designers as a solution to long standing problems in software development. The abstractions these principles provide usually unlock more robust and maintainable code, but this benefits have usually implied steep learning curves and performance degradation. In this talk, we will explore how the Rust programming language has achieved strong functional properties while allowing the programmer to produce a very efficient runtime.
Session language

Functional programming and Haskell

Is it important to understand functional programming? What can Haskell do for us?

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Making the most of Scala through functional programming

You may have already experienced that Scala allows you to program as if you were still using Java. While lowering entry barriers to newcomers is great, let's not forget that a significant source of power for Scala lies in its support for functional programming. This talk describes three major functional abstractions that will help you to achieve unprecedented levels of reuse and modularity, while keeping your code concise and readable: higher-order functions, type classes and monadic functions.
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

Extracción de conocimiento automático de imágenes satelitales en Agencia Espacial Europea

El reto consistía en integrar por primera vez información proveniente de imágenes satelitales con información de fuentes externas en una aplicación end to end capaz de analizar automáticamente grandes volúmenes de datos para mejorar la calidad en la identificación de masas de agua. Minsait dio respuesta con una solución Big Data y Analytics para integrar y analizar la información suministrada por la ESA. La información se almacenaba en HDFS y el equipo Data Science de Minsait trabajaba con los datos utilizando notebooks de Zepplin empleando python, scala y spark sql. Cada imagen tenía 120 millones de píxeles. La información presentada en cada imagen se transformaba en una “matriz dispersa”, en la que cada registro era un píxel. Se hicieron análisis a dos niveles: A nivel píxel, mostrando la evolución de presencia de agua en cada pixel, su frecuencia absoluta y mensual. A nivel masa de agua, explicando la evolución temporal de la misma. Así por ejemplo se podía ver como dos masas de agua inicialmente independientes, crecen y acaban convirtiéndose en la misma.
Session language

Roundtable cryptocurrency: future trends and challenges

Jori Armbruster
Luis Vaello
Óscar Domínguez
Miguel Caballero
Session language

Cybersecurity, challenges and threats

Analysis of the current situation of cybercrime, threats and vulnerabilities, because perimeter security is no longer sufficient. Evolution of cybersecurity tools and controls (Machine Learning), and how the open source world contributes to cybersecurity.
Session language

Roundtable Startups

Elena Vidal
Quino Fernández
Juancho Arregui
Hans Christ
Gorka Rosell
Session language

HTTPS: stay safe, put it on.

SSL certificates are starting to be more important day after day. It is not just a single element of the in between web sites communications and their users, but a feature of the website reputation, in terms of indexation and also when talking about visibility in web browsers, allowing users to trust more in transactional processes or client-provider communications.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Bitergia Analytics, Software Development Analytics for your Peace of Mind

In 2018, no mature company, regardless of the sector, questions the importance of adopting or even participating in open software projects. The change of processes and methodologies forces to adopt new tools to know what happens in development projects. During this talk Bitergia Analytics, 100% based on free technologies, will be presented as a service adopted by companies and organizations to improve management and knowledge about software development projects.

#BI & Analytics, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring

Session language
14:00 - 15:30


The revolutionary MySQL 8.0

Will discuss the main improvements and features that MySQL 8.0 has recently launched and why this is a revolution in the market, joining in one piece the SQL and the NoSQL worlds.

#IoT, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Final exhibition Digital Challenges Magnolia Community

We looked for the best Magnolia developers in the community... They competed and now the 5 finalists will show their projects to an awesome jury who will choose the 3 winners of prizes amounting up to 2,000€. Do you want to know the finalists projects and get to know the Magnolia Community? Drop by Magnolia room on 6th June at 18h and you'll have the chance to know the projects, to meet the Magnolia team and community members, as well as key people in the industry like David Bonilla, José Carlos Cortizo and Soraya Muñoz. blank
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

Interview: Augusto Ruiz

Interview with Augusto Ruiz, Software Development Arquitecture Manager at Repsol. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Fátima Gordillo
Augusto Ruiz
Session language
14:00 - 15:30


Interview: Javier Paniagua

Interview with Javier Paniagua, Head of Digital Transformation at Grupo Pascual. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Fátima Gordillo
Javier Paniagua
Session language

Building a community. Challenges projects face when going open source.blank blank

Building a successful open source project requires way more than just writing great code or releasing software. It needs open minds that are ready to collaborate with other people, design and discuss proposals, solutions, road maps, agree on stuff, disagree when needed, and reach consensus. In this debate, we will discuss the challenges projects face when going open source and why building a healthy and diverse community that understands the value of open collaboration is so important to make sustainable open source projects.
Piergiorgio Lucidi
Luciano Resende
Ignasi Barrera
Session language Spanish & English

Interview: Yaiza Rubio

Interview with Yaiza Rubio, Security Analyst at ElevenPaths. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Beatriz Gómez
Yaiza Rubio
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

empower by the SDGs

Presentation of a collaborative platform for the achievement of the SDGs

#Digital Transformation, #Smart Cities

Session language

Demo ERP&CRM Dolibarr 7

In this workshop we will take advantage of a small demo of the new stable version of the ERP & CRM Dolibarr management system. In this demos we will see the most common uses of the tool by the basic users.

#CRM, #Technological Innovation

Session language

The Paved PaaS to Cloud Native

Traditionally, a tug of war has existed between service reliability (availability, consistency, and fault tolerance), and engineering velocity. Increasing speed to fuel product innovation has meant making reliability and security tradeoffs. In this talk, we will describe how abstracting away the infrastructure and common platform components by using a Platform as a Service (PaaS) model based that can enable service owners to increase both velocity and reliability
Session language

Take back control over your own data with open source

Lack of privacy, deficient security and vendor lock-in form serious problems for companies these days. But there is a solution, and it’s open source. The ability to self host and take full ownership over your own data will allow you to increase productivity and grow, without worrying. In this talk Lenny Horstink, Head of Marketing at SalesAgility, will provide you with a list of open source alternatives for the most used propriety business software.

#CRM, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Automation Marketing: Lead the digital transformation of your activity

Marketing automation is the easiest and most affordable solution to increase the results of your online marketing. Automate marketing processes and convert your anonymous users into potential customers. Even without a marketing department you will be able to carry out successful campaigns just like the big companies.
Session language

Formadores Freelance

Session language
14:00 - 15:30



Session language

Open innovation in digital transformation

A different view of digital transformation of many technological enterprise, understanding the target of this process and where innovation proposals like open innovation and GNU software tools.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

OpenProdoc: All the power of an enterprise document management system, miniaturized to the maximum.

The presentation shows the possibilities of OpenProdoc, a multiplatform Document Managent System (DMS), which, in addition to the traditional way of other DMS, has a fully portable distribution and also a "miniaturized" engine that can be embedded in any application , offering all the services of a complete DMS to the container application. It can be deployed on Linux, Windows or Mac or virtualized platforms such as Docker. It allows storing the documents in various destinations, including Amazon S3.


Session language

Bitcoin and Haskell, a match made in heaven

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, ... Lately you can hear these buzzwords everywhere. What is the point? If you'd like to learn more about it you came to the right place. We'll learn all the main cryptocurrency topics and how they translate to code/types using haskell.


Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

NodeSchool Madrid

Node.js and JavaScript workshop. Step by step following tutorials
Session language

Madrid Tech Alliance. We are stronger together.

Why does Madrid Tech Alliance exist? What is the main goal of this Alliance? Who are the members? How can I join if I have a tech community in Madrid?
Session language

#OSWGuilds: revamping the way of doing Open Source projects within community

How can you achieve the tough task of bringing and sticking together more than 100 people developing more than 30 projects, even working some Sundays of the month and everyone following the same vision, to improve society with Open Source? We share in this talk how us and our non-profit organization Open Source Weekends, one of the most relevant and active when it comes to support the Open Source movement, have created an ecosystem of self-organizing team' networks that develop Open Source projects in such a diverse areas like Education, Cybersecurity, Open Hardware, Open Data, Sustainability...among others.

#Blockchain, #Cybersecurity, #Hardware Libre, #Technological Innovation

Session language

GoblinDB another way to store data

Today we're here to speak about GoblinDB, one of the many proyects we develop in Open Source Weekends. Goblin is an experimental database in continuous development, it's coded completly in javascript. We love asynchronous work and events so we've added those features to our database. Goblin is a project were we seek knowledge and experiment new things / ideas, adding the features we like the most.

#Storage, #Technological Innovation

Session language


Session language
14:00 - 15:30


WikiNews, a collaboration story

How three tech communities gave life to the WikiNews project. We brought women together to collaborate on a project that joined R coding, Node know-how, and website building skills.
Session language

Telemetry System of competition using MQTT

Presentation of the Formula UC3M team from the Carlos III University of Madrid and the telemetry system that is being developed with the collaboration of Open Source Weekends using free hardware, specifically Arduino, and the MQTT publish/subscribe messaging protocol.

#Hardware Libre, #Monitoring, #Storage

Session language

Pillars: a friendly web framework for NodeJS

Modular framework for web development in NodeJS. With a simple and modular approach lets you introduce in NodeJS, with a soft learning curve. Pillars has a powerful state control that lets you manage your application in a completely new way. For advanced JS/Node developer, Pillars is an organized and efficient environment.
Session language

Batimagen, this is metadata

Batimagen: presentation of the 1 release of the app


Session language

My experience as Guilder

My experience as Guilder in OSW
Session language

My experience on Open Source Projects

In this brief talk I will talk about Open Source and my personal experience developing different projects. I will give my point of view about the benefits of collaborating in open source projects and contributing to the community. I will also talk about the latest projects that I have collaborated with, as well as the latest project I have started. I will talk about the Open Source Weekends community, where I collaborate, and where they are currently developing very interesting projects.
Session language

Experience as a guilder in OSW

I will talk about how my experience has been as part of the OSW community and how it has managed to generate in me a lot of positive things and job opportunities

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

Fintech Forum

APIs, Blockchain, digital transformation… they are some of the challenges of the financial sector. At this forum you will discover the essential challenges faced by the Finctech sector and the trends that will mark the future of the sector. blank
Session language

Fintech Roundtable

Rubén Nieto
Nacho Rodríguez
José María Casero
Pablo Blasco
Martin Huete
Diego Azorin
Session language

Open CIO Summit

Forum intended for CIOs and IT Managers who will participate in exclusive sessions with the purpose of discovering the new trends that could help them to create profits on their companies blank
Session language

CIO Roundtable

José Luis Pérez
Borja Carroquino
Enrique Diego Bernardo
Jordi Bueno
Bryan McEire
Salvador Mendez
Session language
14:00 - 15:30


Tourism & Transport Forum

This forum is the way to discover the last news about the current sector challenges, technological solutions and transport management, operational efficiency and cost reduction. The transport sector is also living a big revolution where take part different technologies based on Open Source models and in collaborative economy. blank
Session language

Tourism & Transport Roundtable

Álvaro Carrillo
Rafael Gil
Pedro Anton
David Martín
Iván Hernández
Session language

Surfing the data wave

How many data of our operations do we have? What do we do with them? And open data? Competition data? How do we differentiate ourselves thanks to them? Have they enough quality? How can they contribute in our day to day? These and many other questions around the data are those that are raised by most companies. Ferrovial is no different, but we are already taking the steps to transform ourselves digitally and be leaders in our services thanks to the data.

#Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #IoT

Session language

Open Cloud Forum

This forum will gather leader and experts from different industries, to tell about the new opportunities appearing within the digital environment and share ideas about the development of the digital transformation. Don’t miss the chance to know the cloud innovation designers, as well as the pioneer adopting Open Cloud solutions   blank
Session language

Open source: digital transform foundations

Looking back, it's hard to miss how open source software has paved the way for today's Repsol digital transformation.

#Cloud, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Open Cloud Roundtable

Clara Pezuela
Raúl Rivero
Francisco Javier Ramón
Jorge Tomé
Antonio Jiménez
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language

Registration Opening

Opening – Auditorio Red Hat

Opening of OpenExpo Europe 2018 with the presence of Mr. Alberto Hernández, CEO of Incibe, and Philippe Lardy, CEO of OpenExpo Europe
Philippe Lardy
Alberto Hernández
Session language

The transition from consumer to producer

Historically, Free Software has been a fundamental part of all our developments. The stage of stabilization in which we are currently, both economically and technologically, has awakened in dinahosting the need to transform this role of consumer in the producer within the Free Software community. How do we propose this path? What obstacles are we encountering? What advantages do we get from it?

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Fintech. Business opportunities with PSD2

The new European regulation PSD2 arise several business opportunities. This new regulation open the market and new and different players in the banking sector can enter on it.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

First VDI on Open Shift

In light of this scenario, in which reliance on resilient platforms is vital for the IT departments, containers represent the agility, rapidity and simplicity to optimise available resources and be able to maximise the environment features in a simple way. Qindel Group makes the most of containers “virtues” to introduce a VDI desktop on Open Shift, a pioneering proposal that will give the Open Shift users a single point to manage the consumption of resources and will allow the desktop deployment in every Open Shift tenant , facilitating the execution of deployments in an easy and rapid way.
Session language

Spring Cloud Data Flow the perfect Iot Gateway

Connect things to companies throw Spring Cloud Data Flow

#Cloud, #IoT

Session language

Open Source Backup with Bareosblank

Bareos is an open source network software for backing up, archiving and restoring files for all major operating systems. Bareos can back up on disk, tape (autoloader) or storage in the cloud, has a new multilingual web interface, a new Python plugin interface and much more. Bareos can be easily integrated into open source data center tool chains and DevOps environments such as Icinga, Salt, Puppet, Ansible and other systems. This session offers an overview of Bareos and its interfaces.

#Cloud, #Storage

Session language English

Open source en energias renovable

Cómo las energias renovables se ven afectadas por las tecnologias abiertas

#Digital Transformation

Session language

DRLM en Acción! GNU/Linux Disaster Recovery, the open source way

Disaster Recovery is a commonly ignored topic, only considered when something serious happen. Then, usually, is too late to react efficiently. The consequences? generally money loss and reputation, sometimes is also the beginning of the end for a company. This short session will show you, how easy is to use ReaR and DRLM, two open source projects that, together, provide a great and flexible solution for Disaster Recovery, system migrations and OS deployments. The end of the session is a live demo, showing how easy is to: Install ReaR and all of it's requirements on a system from DRLM. Take a DR backup of that system using DRLM. Break the system. Recover from the disaster using DRLM. All this in just few minutes! During the session, conducted by Didac Oliveira, co-founder and maintainer of DRLM project, the attendees will see how easy is to have an open source DR solution for their GNU/Linux systems. Questions and doubts will be answered during the session and/or at the end of it.
Session language
14:00 - 15:30


API Managers, the digital revolution

We will talk about the aspects that a government of Apis must have and how the Apis Managers solve these problems

#Technological Innovation

Session language

Liderazgo personal bajo Presión

“Nuestra mente está secuestrada y desconectada de nuestra verdadera esencia por las prisas, el ruido externo, nuestros propios pensamientos y distracciones, el estrés, los problemas del día a día, la hiperconectividad y un largo etcétera. Este alboroto constante provoca que vivamos como autómatas, abstraídos, y lo único que puede ayudarnos a liberarnos de este estado es la atención. Lo que capta nuestra atención es lo que controla nuestra vida. Este es el quid de la cuestión….”

Este párrafo forma parte de la sinopsis del libro “Mindfulness: el arte de controlar tu mente” escrito por José Manuel Calvo Cobo. En un entorno tecnológico cada vez más volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo. Entrenar la mente nos ofrece numerosas oportunidades para las organizaciones y los profesionales. Podemos configurarla para vivir la vida de una forma más productiva y resiliente, y en este taller veremos algunas ideas y consejos para que puedas empezar a hacerlo.


  • Reflexionar acerca del funcionamiento de nuestra mente y cerebro un entorno cada vez más complejo.
  • Comprender el mecanismo del estrés asociado las situaciones de presión y aprender a manejarlo.
  • Identificar estrategias para recablear nuestro cerebro y configurar una mente resiliente.


  •  La asombrosa complejidad de nuestra mente y nuestro cerebro.
  • Relacionándonos con un entono VUCA: volátil, incierto, complejo y ambiguo.
  • La cuestión del estrés: ¿Amigo o Enemigo?
  • Estrategias de afrontamiento.
  • Actitudes para la prevención
Session language

THE PARADIGM OF INDUSTRY 4.0: Internet of Things and Collaborative Robots

The emergence of the concept Industry 4.0 is based upon the ubiquity of the Internet. In this sense, we may visualize this new paradigm as the internet applied to manufacturing. In this talk we will review the technologies that are underlying the digital transformation of companies that are evolving according to this paradigm of Industry 4.0: • Internet of Things, that we should understand more as an ecosystem rather than a technology itself, and within which we can also include a special type of "thing": Cobots, i.e., a robot designed to collaborate with human workers. • Acting from data, in the sense of running machine learning tasks to enhance performance and productivity of the factory in a real time basis. These data are obtained from the "things" that are part of such IoT ecosystem. • Learning from data, also in the sense of producing comprehensive dashboards covering the performance of the whole company, not just the manufacturing aspects, allowing to take informed decisions in the side of the board of directors.

#Digital Transformation, #IoT, #Robotics

Session language

Google Kubernetes Engine & Istio

During this session we will highlight and learn the benefits and how to work with Google Kubernetes Engine. We will also introduce Istio and the value it brings.


Session language

Legends of STEM, be a legend!

Legends of STEM is a mobile game for tablets in which girls between 8-13 years can star in references of the STEM world and live their experiences. The project aims to make visible the feminine referents of the STEM careers in order to break the gender biases related to the works and thus get more women to enroll in these careers.

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Breakers: breaking walls for digital fabrication

In this presentation, we will talk about Breakers program. This program has been developed for the last two years in several spaces in Spain. It aims to bring digital fabrication skills to teenagers at risk. We will talk about how it works and what have we learnt along the way.

#Digital Transformation, #Hardware Libre, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Our responsibility with technology

Many engineers and developers have thought some time that we develop technology, but we don't decide how this technology interacts with persons. In other words, technology is "neutral", and people decide how to use it, and which personal and social impact will cause that use. For some minutes, I will try to explain how this is not always true. Besides, in many cases, technology, at least as it is deployed, is very far from being neutral, with respect to how it affects us.

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

GingerCode: an epic initiation in JS learning

GingerCode is a support tool for teachers, students and self-taught people who are going to start in the programming world. Write pseudocode and GingerCode will generate JS code. During this talk, we are going to know how GingerCode is built and how the pseudocode, which GingerCode knows, is.
Session language

Networking & Beers

Food&Drink Area: Live show Bailaferias DJs: blank
Session language
* Todas las salas *
Auditorio Red Hat
Sala Arsys
Sala Oracle
Sala King of App
Sala Prestashop
Sala 2byte
Sala Magnolia
Open Circle by Tek'n'life
Demo Corner by Ydral
Demo Corner by OSW
The Future Trends Forums
Sala Irontec

Registration Opening

Subutai(tm): Open Source, Peer-to-Peer Cloud Software that allows you to take back the cloudblank

The "Big Cloud" vendors only sell you things. You can not sell your excess capacity, nor can you have definitive control on where and how much you spend on your computing resources. OptDyn(tm)'s Subutai products not only allow you to buy and sell computing resources freely, but through the use of the Subutai Blockchain Router you can mine cryptocurrency in a "green" way.

#Blockchain, #Cloud

Session language English

Ecommerce has only just begun

At DHL we believe that consumer ecommerce is still in an initial stage of growth and that its weight over total retail sales will increase significantly over the next years. In this presentation we will talk about how technology will become the great facilitator of this growth in logistics through the impact it will have in areas such as demand planning or the control of deliveries by online shoppers.
Session language

Transpecies Society – creating open source senses and organs in community

Manel Muñoz
Moon Ribas
Neil Harbisson
Session language

Building software and communities the Apache way

Working in open source software projects can be challenging. The complexity of sharing technical knowledge and the issues of working with a geographically distributed team, as well as the legal aspects, the decentralized decision making process and the different tasks to evolve a community may be difficult work. In this talk we will see how the Apache Software Foundation accompanies this process, and how the good practices of Apache (The Apache Way) can also be applied within an enterprise project.
Session language

OSWGuilds: Live Guilds

Session language

The impact of Virtual Reality on social environmentsblank

The sense of Presence of the virtual reality allows its use in different fields of application. The social environment (medicine, education, psychology or accessibility) can be strongly and positively impacted by the exploitation of the immersive features of virtual reality. In this talk, we will talk about the great possibilities of the immersive worlds in these areas and, for this, we will analyze projects that have already used it with real cases.

#Virtual Reality

Session language Spanish

Scouting Frontier Technologies Business Opportunities

Starting a new business is never an easy task, especially in an emerging and changing sector like the one we are experiencing today with the introduction of technologies such as virtual reality, augmented, mixed, the Internet of things or artificial intelligence. If you are thinking about starting your own business with these technologies but still have many doubts about them, this event will help you understand the way to do it, the phases through which your project must go, where to start and where to find collaborators, in a practical way. We will validate market ideas with Oarsis' methodology, and we will have fun, promise! OARSIS an academy of entrepreneurs that inspires, connects and empowers talented individuals to bring new VR / AR / MR solutions to the market with great potential for international growth.
Session language

SDN & Open Networking, the ‘Conectocracy’ Revolution

Introduction to SDN and Open Networking. Dell EMC vision and value proposition in open Networking solutions. Network Operating Systems

#Hardware Libre, #Monitoring, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Interacciones del ecosistema del software libre en España

David Olmos
Valentín García
Julia Bernal
José María San José
Iker Sagasti
Alejandro Javier Tosina
Session language


Libremanuals es un colectivo editorial que surge para la difusión de libros libres impresos acerca de Software Libre en la lengua española. Para decirlo en pocas palabras, para que el derecho a leer no esté en peligro, necesitamos leer documentos libres. Este colectivo editorial trata de fomentar este derecho. La manera que tiene Libremanuals de fomentar este derecho es vender y traducir libros libres. Estamos comercializando los libros en lugares dónde se defiende bien la ciencia, bien las libertades civiles.

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Jazz, una nueva forma de construir procesos de inteligencia artificial.

Jazz nació en 2016 como un servidor desarrollado en BBVA Data & Analytics para acelerar órdenes de magnitud las consultas a datos de atributos de clientes. En diciembre de 2017, BBVA liberó Jazz como software libre bajo una licencia Apache 2.0. Un grupo de voluntarios decidió pivotar el desarrollo, ya como software libre, para convertirlo en una plataforma de inteligencia artificial que permite explorar retos que son muy difícilmente manejables en las plataformas actuales. La charla no es (demasiado) técnica, narra la historia cómo se generó Jazz dentro de BBVA, los retos que permite afrontar y, sobre todo, invita a formar parte.  
Session language

LINAGORA: experience feedback on the French leader of Open Source

LINAGORA, one of the French leaders of the Open source, is a created international company 18 years ago. Today, she proposes an Open source platform to accompany the digital transformation of the big organizations and the first Open source smart assistant. Through her example, we shall see how an Open source software publisher can find an economic model viable and propose innovations in the whole ecosystem.
Session language

Company-University collaboration: the experience of KLM and TU Delftblank

KLM and Delft University have developed over the years a collaboration that goes beyond study internships: KLM and TU Delft have developed a strategic alliance to facilitate experimentation with new technologies in basic processes of the Dutch airline.

#Augmented Reality, #Digital Transformation, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation, #Virtual Reality

Session language English

Bitergia Analytics / GrimoireLab demo

During this demo, the capabilities of Bitergia Analytics and GrimoireLab will be shown as a service for companies and organizations, and a tool for knowing quantitative information about the development of software projects.

#BI & Analytics, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring

Session language

Open Source Specialized Hosting, from the community to the Enterprise product

By listening and supporting the Open Source and Free Software CMS´s Communities , the companies have the opportunity to improve their products up to the highest level. In this talk we will explain how we support and work with the most popular CMS´s Communities, what is a Specialized Open Source Hosting Provider and what benefits you can obtain for your projects, from a simple Internet presence to the largest high volume projects.

#Artificial Intelligence, #Cloud, #CMS, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Datos abiertos de 5 estrellas en la Administración Pública

Daremos las pautas para conseguir que los portales de Datos Abiertos de las Administraciones Públicas tengan 5 estrellas. Haremos una pequeña introducción de RDF, Vocabularios y SPARQL para poder poner todos los datos a disposición de los ciudadanos gracias a punto de SPARQL.
Session language

Open Data, what do I want you for?

Data explains the world around us. Public Administration and social agents are doing an effort in transparency about all the information they manage and generate, with the aim of making it available and understandable way to citizens In our talk, we will explain different applications and we will give more details about the pollution predictive model we are developing with Citet
Session language

Q&A Cyborg Foundation – Transpecies Society

Manel Muñoz
Moon Ribas
Neil Harbisson
Beatriz Gómez
Session language

3D Printing and new materials

3D printing is growing fast and materials too. We want to show some study cases to teach new technologies and new materials to improve the production process.

#Digital Transformation, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Open source Big Data tools accelerating physics research at CERNblank

The number of CERN teams utilising big data frameworks - Apache Hadoop, Spark and Kafka to develop their systems has grown significantly in recent years. These systems include the next generation CERN Accelerator Logging Service (NxCALS) which logs data from 20,000 devices that monitor the CERN accelerator complex for online and offline analysis, the monitoring system for the CERN IT Data Center infrastructure and the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) and the CMS Data Reduction Facility which is evaluating Apache Spark to reduce 1 PB of official CMS data to 1 TB of ntuple output for analysis. This talk will provide an overview of the current deployments of Apache Hadoop, Spark and Kafka and challenges faced in supporting demanding needs from various CERN communities.

#Big Data

Session language English

Learning Augmented Reality Development with ARKit IOS

Augmented reality is already within our reach. In order to advance your career and join this amazing movement, you need to start building your skills in this rapidly growing immersive technology space. ARkit has been called a “Game Changer” for Augmented Reality. It allows developers to create augmented reality apps natively for iOS. This technology opens up the door for creative people and mobile app designers to build new experiences in a brand new industry that is expected to grow up to $165 billion by 2024. In this workshop we will explain some IOS app development fundamentals with a strong practical focus on AR. Surf the next AR technology wave with us!

#Augmented Reality

Session language

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Cloud Native Applicationsblank

In this talk i will give an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Cloud Native Applications.


Session language English

Blockchain – Building an Open Source economy

In between investments, Lambos and "when moon" 's, the technology capable of redefining the economy in a more open, collaborative and transparent way is consolidating. The coupling of economical incentives and software engineering that happens in blockchain raise a series of particular challenges and opportunities to face. In this talk we will share our experience building a blockchain project, from the technical side and beyond.


Session language

Ceremony: Open Awards 2018

blank blank    
Session language

The Blockchain Revolution: Community vs. Companies

Q & A with two speakers experts in Blockchain from different points of view. Big companies vs. communities
Leif Ferreira
Montse Guardia

#Blockchain, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Smart contracts, free software and the future of Blockchain

In 2017 the interest for Blockchain exploded around the world. What is behind this movement that is still unknown to the public? In our round table we will explore how the future decentralized economy could work with smart contracts, free software using blockchain technology.
Javier Domínguez
Jaime Núñez
Ainhoa Calvo
Santiago Márquez
Alex Preukschat


Session language

Panorama BigData, conoce el problema antes de elegir tu solución

Panorama BigData tiene como finalidad mostrar tres grandes sistemas de bases de datos NoSQL para conocer qué problemas o soluciones se pueden tratar de forma óptima con cada uno de ellos. Los sistemas de los que vamos a hablar son: Hadoop, sistema NoSQL basado en HDFS y YARN MongoDB, base de datos de tipo documental Cassandra, Column Family de alta disponibilidad y rendimiento
Session language

Cyber intelligence. Exploiting public data to attack targets

The paper will explain some methodologies and tools used by researchers and attackers to obtain information from public sources on possible objectives. These techniques can be used to measure the degree of exposure of an objective as well as to design possible attack routes. The digital trace studied comes from the target himself as well as from the information provided by the systems.


Session language

Open Source and The Apache Software Foundationblank

A historical background, and look forward, regarding Open Source and the Apache Way and how they have driven Technical Innovation and Digital Transformation
Session language English
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

Subutai(tm): Open Source, Peer-to-Peer Cloud Software that allows you to take back the cloudblank

The "Big Cloud" vendors only sell you things. You can not sell your excess capacity, nor can you have definitive control on where and how much you spend on your computing resources. OptDyn(tm)'s Subutai products not only allow you to buy and sell computing resources freely, but through the use of the Subutai Blockchain Router you can mine cryptocurrency in a "green" way.

#Blockchain, #Cloud

Session language English

Transpecies Society – creating open source senses and organs in community

Manel Muñoz
Moon Ribas
Neil Harbisson
Session language

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Cloud Native Applicationsblank

In this talk i will give an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for Cloud Native Applications.


Session language English

Open Source and The Apache Software Foundationblank

A historical background, and look forward, regarding Open Source and the Apache Way and how they have driven Technical Innovation and Digital Transformation
Session language English
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

Ecommerce has only just begun

At DHL we believe that consumer ecommerce is still in an initial stage of growth and that its weight over total retail sales will increase significantly over the next years. In this presentation we will talk about how technology will become the great facilitator of this growth in logistics through the impact it will have in areas such as demand planning or the control of deliveries by online shoppers.
Session language

Jazz, una nueva forma de construir procesos de inteligencia artificial.

Jazz nació en 2016 como un servidor desarrollado en BBVA Data & Analytics para acelerar órdenes de magnitud las consultas a datos de atributos de clientes. En diciembre de 2017, BBVA liberó Jazz como software libre bajo una licencia Apache 2.0. Un grupo de voluntarios decidió pivotar el desarrollo, ya como software libre, para convertirlo en una plataforma de inteligencia artificial que permite explorar retos que son muy difícilmente manejables en las plataformas actuales. La charla no es (demasiado) técnica, narra la historia cómo se generó Jazz dentro de BBVA, los retos que permite afrontar y, sobre todo, invita a formar parte.  
Session language

Company-University collaboration: the experience of KLM and TU Delftblank

KLM and Delft University have developed over the years a collaboration that goes beyond study internships: KLM and TU Delft have developed a strategic alliance to facilitate experimentation with new technologies in basic processes of the Dutch airline.

#Augmented Reality, #Digital Transformation, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation, #Virtual Reality

Session language English

Ceremony: Open Awards 2018

blank blank    
Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

The impact of Virtual Reality on social environmentsblank

The sense of Presence of the virtual reality allows its use in different fields of application. The social environment (medicine, education, psychology or accessibility) can be strongly and positively impacted by the exploitation of the immersive features of virtual reality. In this talk, we will talk about the great possibilities of the immersive worlds in these areas and, for this, we will analyze projects that have already used it with real cases.

#Virtual Reality

Session language Spanish

LINAGORA: experience feedback on the French leader of Open Source

LINAGORA, one of the French leaders of the Open source, is a created international company 18 years ago. Today, she proposes an Open source platform to accompany the digital transformation of the big organizations and the first Open source smart assistant. Through her example, we shall see how an Open source software publisher can find an economic model viable and propose innovations in the whole ecosystem.
Session language

Open Source Specialized Hosting, from the community to the Enterprise product

By listening and supporting the Open Source and Free Software CMS´s Communities , the companies have the opportunity to improve their products up to the highest level. In this talk we will explain how we support and work with the most popular CMS´s Communities, what is a Specialized Open Source Hosting Provider and what benefits you can obtain for your projects, from a simple Internet presence to the largest high volume projects.

#Artificial Intelligence, #Cloud, #CMS, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Open source Big Data tools accelerating physics research at CERNblank

The number of CERN teams utilising big data frameworks - Apache Hadoop, Spark and Kafka to develop their systems has grown significantly in recent years. These systems include the next generation CERN Accelerator Logging Service (NxCALS) which logs data from 20,000 devices that monitor the CERN accelerator complex for online and offline analysis, the monitoring system for the CERN IT Data Center infrastructure and the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) and the CMS Data Reduction Facility which is evaluating Apache Spark to reduce 1 PB of official CMS data to 1 TB of ntuple output for analysis. This talk will provide an overview of the current deployments of Apache Hadoop, Spark and Kafka and challenges faced in supporting demanding needs from various CERN communities.

#Big Data

Session language English

Blockchain – Building an Open Source economy

In between investments, Lambos and "when moon" 's, the technology capable of redefining the economy in a more open, collaborative and transparent way is consolidating. The coupling of economical incentives and software engineering that happens in blockchain raise a series of particular challenges and opportunities to face. In this talk we will share our experience building a blockchain project, from the technical side and beyond.


Session language

Panorama BigData, conoce el problema antes de elegir tu solución

Panorama BigData tiene como finalidad mostrar tres grandes sistemas de bases de datos NoSQL para conocer qué problemas o soluciones se pueden tratar de forma óptima con cada uno de ellos. Los sistemas de los que vamos a hablar son: Hadoop, sistema NoSQL basado en HDFS y YARN MongoDB, base de datos de tipo documental Cassandra, Column Family de alta disponibilidad y rendimiento
Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

SDN & Open Networking, the ‘Conectocracy’ Revolution

Introduction to SDN and Open Networking. Dell EMC vision and value proposition in open Networking solutions. Network Operating Systems

#Hardware Libre, #Monitoring, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Datos abiertos de 5 estrellas en la Administración Pública

Daremos las pautas para conseguir que los portales de Datos Abiertos de las Administraciones Públicas tengan 5 estrellas. Haremos una pequeña introducción de RDF, Vocabularios y SPARQL para poder poner todos los datos a disposición de los ciudadanos gracias a punto de SPARQL.
Session language

3D Printing and new materials

3D printing is growing fast and materials too. We want to show some study cases to teach new technologies and new materials to improve the production process.

#Digital Transformation, #Robotics, #Technological Innovation

Session language

The Blockchain Revolution: Community vs. Companies

Q & A with two speakers experts in Blockchain from different points of view. Big companies vs. communities
Leif Ferreira
Montse Guardia

#Blockchain, #Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Cyber intelligence. Exploiting public data to attack targets

The paper will explain some methodologies and tools used by researchers and attackers to obtain information from public sources on possible objectives. These techniques can be used to measure the degree of exposure of an objective as well as to design possible attack routes. The digital trace studied comes from the target himself as well as from the information provided by the systems.


Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

Building software and communities the Apache way

Working in open source software projects can be challenging. The complexity of sharing technical knowledge and the issues of working with a geographically distributed team, as well as the legal aspects, the decentralized decision making process and the different tasks to evolve a community may be difficult work. In this talk we will see how the Apache Software Foundation accompanies this process, and how the good practices of Apache (The Apache Way) can also be applied within an enterprise project.
Session language


Libremanuals es un colectivo editorial que surge para la difusión de libros libres impresos acerca de Software Libre en la lengua española. Para decirlo en pocas palabras, para que el derecho a leer no esté en peligro, necesitamos leer documentos libres. Este colectivo editorial trata de fomentar este derecho. La manera que tiene Libremanuals de fomentar este derecho es vender y traducir libros libres. Estamos comercializando los libros en lugares dónde se defiende bien la ciencia, bien las libertades civiles.

#Digital Transformation

Session language

Interacciones del ecosistema del software libre en España

David Olmos
Valentín García
Julia Bernal
José María San José
Iker Sagasti
Alejandro Javier Tosina
Session language

Open Data, what do I want you for?

Data explains the world around us. Public Administration and social agents are doing an effort in transparency about all the information they manage and generate, with the aim of making it available and understandable way to citizens In our talk, we will explain different applications and we will give more details about the pollution predictive model we are developing with Citet
Session language

Smart contracts, free software and the future of Blockchain

In 2017 the interest for Blockchain exploded around the world. What is behind this movement that is still unknown to the public? In our round table we will explore how the future decentralized economy could work with smart contracts, free software using blockchain technology.
Javier Domínguez
Jaime Núñez
Ainhoa Calvo
Santiago Márquez
Alex Preukschat


Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

Q&A Cyborg Foundation – Transpecies Society

Manel Muñoz
Moon Ribas
Neil Harbisson
Beatriz Gómez
Session language

Interview: Victoria de la Orden

Interview with Victoria de la Orden, Head of Tecnologichal Social Soclutions at Cruz Roja Española. Relaxed talk / debate with the speakers to bring them closer to the audience.
Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

Scouting Frontier Technologies Business Opportunities

Starting a new business is never an easy task, especially in an emerging and changing sector like the one we are experiencing today with the introduction of technologies such as virtual reality, augmented, mixed, the Internet of things or artificial intelligence. If you are thinking about starting your own business with these technologies but still have many doubts about them, this event will help you understand the way to do it, the phases through which your project must go, where to start and where to find collaborators, in a practical way. We will validate market ideas with Oarsis' methodology, and we will have fun, promise! OARSIS an academy of entrepreneurs that inspires, connects and empowers talented individuals to bring new VR / AR / MR solutions to the market with great potential for international growth.
Session language

Bitergia Analytics / GrimoireLab demo

During this demo, the capabilities of Bitergia Analytics and GrimoireLab will be shown as a service for companies and organizations, and a tool for knowing quantitative information about the development of software projects.

#BI & Analytics, #Digital Transformation, #Monitoring

Session language

Learning Augmented Reality Development with ARKit IOS

Augmented reality is already within our reach. In order to advance your career and join this amazing movement, you need to start building your skills in this rapidly growing immersive technology space. ARkit has been called a “Game Changer” for Augmented Reality. It allows developers to create augmented reality apps natively for iOS. This technology opens up the door for creative people and mobile app designers to build new experiences in a brand new industry that is expected to grow up to $165 billion by 2024. In this workshop we will explain some IOS app development fundamentals with a strong practical focus on AR. Surf the next AR technology wave with us!

#Augmented Reality

Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

OSWGuilds: Live Guilds

Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

Empowering a Billion women by 2020 – Whats tech got to do with it?blank

Empowering a Billion women by 2020”, a global FinTech company that connects women entrepreneurs to funding resources by providing an education system, a range of business intelligence & digital technology tools that helps you accelerate your business growth for a bigger impact.

#BI & Analytics, #Technological Innovation

Session language English

Public Sector Forum

This forum involve a debate between technological leaders from institutions, non-profit associations, governs, public administrations and education. You will discover how open technologies, standards and interoperability are key factors in the innovation and development of the public sector. Analysing the specific impact of the new technologies in education. blank
Session language

Open software in the service of public and charitable organisationsblank

I will present two case studies of web projects where open software applied, one successful and one unsuccessful. I will talk about, and hope to interact with the audience for further, 1. reasons why the projects succeeded or not 2. where are the gaps we need to cover 3. how we can make open source better and more suitable for public and charitable sector.

#CMS, #Digital Transformation

Session language English

Open Source Laboratory in Local Administration

Open Source Laboratory is a community formed by local administrations, other public organizations and relevant members of civil society. The members work together by developing free software applications that meet the needs of the local administration which is experiencing a process of digitalization. The works are focused on projects with a high public value aimed at improving the services provided to citizens. Laboratory-based methodologies such as prototyping and testing of new applications will be used to ensure different point of views and a wide range of aptitudes.  

#Digital Transformation, #Technological Innovation

Session language

Public Sector Roundtable

Pilar López de Frutos
Borja Prieto
Pablo Campo
David Carabantes
Session language

Sucess with Apacheway

Contributing for open source projects gets you exposed to globe community. Apache way is great way to develop software , now business adopting to Apache way internally because the sucess is proven. Your work is exposed to globe. Your contributions are the only measurements of your credibility.This will open you up so many venues with out basing your skin color, gender , raise or your status. 1. Introduction Apache way 2. Opportunity work with core devs and great mentors 3. Openness 4. meritocracy 5. Success of opportunities 
Session language

Woman in Technology Summit

Debate and networking forum with the purpose of encouraging and promoting the active participation of women in FLOSS communities and in the open technologies world.   blank
Session language

Creating an inclusive corporate culture for women in techblank

Only 16.7% of tech professionals are women in the EU. What can we do on a corporate level to attract these talents and make them stay? Creating an inclusive corporate culture helps us achieve just that. This talk shares concrete steps that employees and employers can take to improve women in tech’s sense of belonging and engagement: 1. Establish an Executive Diversity Council 2. Start a woman in engineering group 3. Use tech to amplify the culture 4. Ally training  
Session language English

Woman in Techonology Roundtable

Alicia Mancheño
Covadonga Lorenzo
Laila El Qadi
Miriam Urbano
Bethlem Boronat
Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event


Registration Opening

European Cibersecurity Forum

This forum is an only chance to discover and debate about the current difficulties of the cyberspace and the threats linked with business cybersecurity. Cybersecurity should become a priority shared between governments, institutions and companies.
Session language

ISO International Standards and its Certification in Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

AENOR ISO framework in ICT. Certification in Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity.

#Cybersecurity, #Digital Transformation

Session language

Cibersecurity Roundtable

Silvia Barrera
Eduvigis Ortiz
Josep Albors
Alberto Sobrino
Session language

One for All and All for One – the story of the 3 IoTeersblank

In this presentation we’ll tell you the story of the 3 IOTeers, who are called ‘Infrastructure’, ‘Application’, and ‘Ecosystem’. Just like the characters of Alexandre Dumas’ novel about the Three Musketeers, they need to act as one to achieve their goal of creating smarter, safer, and more sustainable cities. For a true IOTeer, “one for all and all for one” is more than a slogan, as it expresses respect for platform sharing, standards adoption, and open collaboration. And yes, there’s also a 4th protagonist, called ‘Business Model’, that will turn out to be the real hero of this story.

#Big Data, #IoT, #Smart Cities

Session language English

IoT & Smart Cities Forum

Using the Internet of Things (Iot) in the industries and cities. Discover how to choose and implement IoT solutions to improve procedures, transform business models and optimise costs.   blank
Session language

IoT: application to the provision of public services

The National Plan of Smart Territories, includes among its measures, actions aimed at the treatment of buildings as internal objects of the smart city, and the integration of the former into the latter, based on the following model: the buildings are integrated into the city intelligent as an IoT node ("Internet of Things"), which brings all the information of the building to a smart city platform compatible with the UNE 178104: 2015 Smart Cities standard. Infrastructures Comprehensive management systems of the Smart City. From this experience, the presentation will explain in what types of public services, provided by the Town Halls and coming from the policies and programs of the scope of their exclusive competences, it is possible, to optimize their provision, the use of IoT.

#IoT, #Smart Cities

Session language

IoT & Smart Cities Roundtable

Gildo Seisdedos
Guillermo Díaz
Miquel Estapé
Pedro Jesús Rodríguez
Laura Tordera
Session language
13:30 - 14:00

Networking & Beers


End of the event